2020 Reading Resolutions

Hello readers!
Today I am going to be talking about the reading resolutions I chose for myself this year. For 2019, I did a similar post, but it was a Top 5 Wednesday Topic from December 2018. 
In this post I will recap those resolutions and set new ones for myself in 2020.

Recap Resolutions
1. Stop buying Kindle books: Although this states stop buying Kindle books, it was really to make a point to not purchase just any Kindle book that catches my eye because it's $2. I would say that I definitely achieved this goal for the year. 
In 2018 I purchased 32 Kindle books. I have read 14 of them, 11 being read in 2018 and 2 being read in 2019.
In 2019 I purchased 14 Kindle books. I have read 6 of them, and all 6 were in this year. At least 5 of them were the next book in a series, so either me continuing the series or having a completed series to be read. 
A big focus of my 2019 TBR was to get through a lot of these Kindle books. Over-all, I am happy with where I am at with this goal.

2. Stick to my reading list: In the large picture of this goal, I did not achieve it. My goal was to read 50 books this year that I meticulously plotted out per quarter and I most definitely did not hit that goal. However, all of the books save 5 that I read in 2019 were on my original TBR, I just didn't get to the entire list. I am happy that I stuck to my TBR for the second half of the year and was able to get at least 25 books read.

3. Only do read-a-thons if I have time: I without a doubt succeeded with this goal because I didn't do a single read-a-thon this year. Not only did I not have time, but I had no drive to start one. I know this Winter Magical Read-a-thon has been pretty immersive, and I'm a bit sad that I'm missing it. 

4. Stop putting off large series: This one I would say I hit in the middle. I did only read books I wanted to read, rather than putting them off for smaller books, however I feel like I missed the mark because I didn't challenge myself by getting to 50 books to tackle these larger series. 
A couple series I managed to check off my TBR:
The Mortal Instruments, because I DNF'd the series.
Nevernight, finishing all three books.
The Folk of The Air, finishing all three books & novella.
Shadow & Bone series.
Started the Witchlands series, which was a huge hurdle for me. I don't know why these books intimidated me so much.

5. Do at least one buddy read: This is the one resolution I can actually say I absolutely failed at. I didn't do a single buddy read at all this year. I thought I would buddy-read Godsgrave but the group I read Nevernight with, some people chose not to continue the story.

Continuing Resolutions
1. Do a read-a-thon: I really want to participate in the Magical Read-a-thons next year. Or at least do two read-a-thons, either Tome Topple and another or two other read-a-thons. If any of you have any favorites, please mention them in the comments below. If you run one, send me a link to a post about the details. I would love to get into more read-a-thons. 
Caz from Little Book Owl recently did a video on all Read-a-thons for 2020 so be sure to check her video out if you would like to get an idea and plan out any read-a-thons you'd like to participate in this year. I will mostly likely be posting my read-a-thon progress for all read-a-thons excluding the Magical Read-a-Thon on my Twitter, so make sure to find me there.
2. Keep reading large series: Most of my reading focus for 2020 is to finish up series I've either already started or are ones that have been on my TBR. I did allow myself room to add in new series I'm interested in as well. 

New Resolutions

1. Get back to Book-Instagram: Last year I really took a dive in posting with even some semblance of regularity. I kept blaming it on not having a great camera, but in reality it was just me being lazy after realizing how much effort goes into quality posts. I'd really love to get back into it and prove to myself that I deserve to buy a new camera. I think if I can go a whole year with regular posts, I'd love to get myself a camera for next Christmas or my birthday.

2. Complete a draft of a book: NaNoWriMo 2018 I did a series of posts on a book I was casually writing. I haven't really touched it since last year, mostly because I was trying to figure out where the story was going instead of just blindly writing. A lot of my reading this year I tried to reflect on what kind of style I want with my writing, and although I don't think I landed on anything concrete, I do know a little bit more of what I really don't like and what I really do like. Even if all I do is self-publish to Amazon, I would be incredibly happy.

3. Re-read Harry Potter: Some of you may be looking at this resolution with a raised brow, and thats fair. I have been trying to reread this series since 2009, which I think is the last time I actually read all of the books. I want to sit down and reread all of them in the same year with an appropriate sized gap between them. There are so many details in the books that are missing from the movies that I can feel have been erased from my memories. 

All together, I think these 5 reading resolutions for 2020 are achievable but also push myself as well. I'm really excited to see where this year takes me and the journey along the way. I hope to make more friends that love to read as well.

Do you guys have reading resolutions? If so, leave some in the comments below!


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