Top 5 Wednesday: Reading Resolutions

Hello readers! 
Today's Top 5 Wednesday topic is 2019 reading resolutions.
This year I plan on changing the way I read and tackle my TBR. I plan on posting my 2019 TBR and reading goals for the year. 
  1. Stop buying Kindle books. Although I pick up books I'm interested in for only $3, I tend to purchase e-books and then it just adds to this invisible list of books I have and I forget about. This doesn't mean I wont purchase an E-book if it's on my TBR for the year and it's on sale, however if I see a book that I'm kind of interested in but isn't on my immediate TBR list, I'm not going to pick it up.
  2. Stick to my reading list. I've never really had a TBR, since I consider all un-read books on my shelves to be something I would like to read. However in 2018, I told myself I would finish a series or start a series and it never happened.
  3. Only do Read-a-thons when I actually have time to. This was an issue for 2 of the 4 read-a-thons I did last year. Most of the reason I decided to join was more out of FOMO then actually being prepared or ready for a read-a-thon. By not being ready, it makes the thon less fun and I don't get what I want out of it, which is to motivate my reading.
  4. Stop putting off large series for smaller, easier to read books. This habit started in the summer and then slowly crept into the fall. I knew I wanted to finish the Mortal Instruments, and I probably could have, if I hadn't picked up 8 million little books this last summer or distracted myself with comics and graphic novels. 
  5. Do at least one buddy read. Last year I did two for the first time ever. My Godsgrave buddy read was awesome, we talked through a lot and got to see alternative perspectives. The Godsgrave group has already committed to do a buddy-read for Darkdawn, so I'm looking forward to discussing this book with the same group of ladies.
What are your resolutions this year? Let me know in the comments!


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