Blogmas Day 11- 2019 Book Wrap Up

Hello readers and welcome to my end of the year wrap up!
I have had one heck of a year. I wont go into too much detail here, but there was a lot of good and a lot of bad this year, which is far more eventful than I am used to.
I started this year with high hopes of reading 50 books. I even got super structured with my TBR and broke out books to read per quarter of the year, timed book releases with when I planned to get through them. It's all captured here, on my lovely blog post.
I was on really great track to actually hit my target goal and I felt really ambitious for the summer until April happened and I just couldn't get myself to sit down to read for whatever reason. Since then, it's been a slow drag of finishing books in an even remotely timely matter. It took me months to read Snow Like Ashes. I even had to lower my Goodreads goal and I got really concerned I wouldn't hit an achievable 25. 

But I did it. I managed my 25 and I loved a lot of stuff I read this year. So, below will be my recap of everything I managed to consume.

Favorite Book
I finished this book so fast it's ridiculous. I haven't read a book at work in a long time and this was pretty much how I plowed through this one. It was SO worth the wait, I absolutely love that The Wicked King was the start of the year and The Queen of Nothing was the end of 2019 because it's literally the highlight of the year. 

Least Favorite Book
I've talked about this. I don't need to beat this bush any further.

Favorite Series
This series I just mowed straight through. I enjoyed it and I'm excited to re-start/read(?) Six of Crows and participate in the Fan-girling of the show.

Favorite Stand Alone
This book was great. I do enjoy a standalone that is well rounded. We don't always need series, we can enjoy a one-and-done.

Favorite Author
This David Grohl-wannabe has definitely become one of my favorite authors, purely for Nevernight alone. I enjoyed Illuminae and so far I'm really enjoying Lif3l1ke but just Nevernight solidifies this spot.


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