Top 5 Wednesday: Free Topic

Hello readers!
Since we are on a free-for-all on top 5 topics, I chose to revisit a previous topic from March.
We chose five characters that matched our own Hogwarts house, you can find my previous post here. Since it is known that people can have a secondary house, I want to take those same characters I listed as Slytherin's and identify what their other houses would be.

1. Rhysand- If I had to place Rhysand in a second house, I think he would also fit into Ravenclaw. My main reason for thinking he would fall into this as his secondary house is the way he makes decisions as a leader. It's easy to be a brute of a leader, look at some of the other high lords *cough*Tamlin*cough*. However he has a group of people who's opinions he values with different walks of life. By making a collective decision based on the advice he is given is a pretty intelligent move as a leader.

2. Kaz Brekker- Kaz is probably 100% Slytherin and I think once the hat touches his head he'd be Malfoy'd so fast. However, if I absolutely had to think of a secondary house, I would put him in Gryffindor. It was hard to pick this as another house, but based on his bravery and definitely his nerve he could fit into the most balls-y Gryffindor housemates.

3. Lysandra- The three Gryffindor traits I would pick for Lysandra is brave, daring, and nerve. She was very brave to finally murder Arobynn, daring at trusting and joining Aelin, and it took nerve to disguise herself as the Queen while she was chained under Maeve's control.

4. King Cardan- Listen, I know you see terms like hard work, dedication, and fair play and don't think Cardan, but when you take the core of Hufflepuff and their need to be just and loyal I think the moves Cardan made throughout the series, specifically at the end of The Wicked King fit. Something about the characteristics of him make me think that Cardan values justice, which is why he punished Jude for breaking the rules and going against what he specifically asked her not to do. I also think Cardan is a loyal character, however his ally base is very small because he is also skeptical. 

5. Katharine- Katherine I find to be a Hufflepuff as well for the similar reasons as Cardan. I think she is just by asking for fair public trials rather than doing the obvious poisoner move of sneaking poison to her opponents. I also think she has put a lot of hard work into her position as the poisoner queen. For me, it's still very unclear of what her magic is but despite not being good at being a poisoner, she hasn't given up and continues to work towards her crown. 

For those of you not familiar with Top 5 Wednesday, or would like to participate, it is a Goodreads group. We post all of our lists every week to review with each other and support conversations.


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