This is the end... do do do do....

 Hello readers!

It comes with a lot of consideration, but I have made the decision to stop blogging for the time being. 

It's not that I don't enjoy it anymore, or that I don't have time or I can't keep up. A lot of what backs this decision is that I want to take time to rebrand and revamp Peaks to Pages. Blogging is not as popular as it was a decade ago, and a lot of people find more success on other platforms. I plan to keep active on Twitter and increase my presence on Instagram. A lot of the posts I had planned for here I intend on switching to Instagram and see how that changes my mentality, my views, and my followers.

Youtube is something I've considered as well, however I know that I most definitely wouldn't have time to film videos nor is it something I'm looking to invest in at this time. 

I will be moving my reviews to my Goodreads account, which will be linked below. I will most likely go back to mini reviews as well on Instagram. You can still find me shaking my head at the world on Twitter and being as candid as I can be.

This will not be a good bye, however I hope a lot of you continue to follow me so we can continue to talk about books, characters, and authors all with a little bit of sass and a lot of sarcasm.

Onto new adventures!





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