July Wrap Up

Hello readers!
Today's post is going to be a wrap up for my July reading month and a book haul.

This was one of those Kindle deals I told myself I would reign in this year. When this originally was announced I was interested, but there were a lot of other books I was more focused on releasing at the time. After re-reading the synopsis I got a bit of a 'Strange the Dreamer' meets 'Lifel1k3' vibe, but I believe there is a Female/Female romance. For the most part I haven't heard much about this book.

This was the only book I managed this month. July somehow was constantly insane. I started back at work, which was fine, I knew my reading time would be cut. Then I was right back in a 2 week quarantine because my brother was told by a medical professional he had COVID and to protect our co-workers my husband and I were asked to work from home. Even though I was home, I didn't ready a ton more. I managed to squeeze in more breaks to get through a couple of pages. 


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