Series I'm D-N-Fing

Hello readers!
Today's post is going to be an update to series I don't plan on finishing. I believe I've done a similar post before bu

The Falconer by Elizabeth May
Earlier this year I started this series and after completing the first book as soon as I could I realized that I was pushing through it so I could be done with it, not because I enjoyed the story. Most of my issues were with the writing, I felt like the characters were on the more juvenile end of Young Adult and I didn't connect with any of them particularly. It also felt like one of the main love interest was straight from a Disney/para-romance cross over that nobody asked for.
I originally purchased the series on Kindle. As of this time, I have no means to donate the books but if that changes please let me know in the comments.

Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch
When I originally finished book 1, I thought I would continue the series, however will time I've lost interest in the story. I enjoyed our main character and one side of the love triangle but nothing I read is really sticking to my mind and I don't really care to continue in this world. It also took me an extremely long time to pick it up again after putting it down. I'm happy I finished the first book though.
I do have the entire series in paperback so I will most likely donate them to either a library or local book store.

Lifel1k3 by Jay Kristoff
I never really intended to read this book in the first place. It was announced shortly after I finished the Illuminae files by Kristoff and Kaufman and I was totally fine with just having read that series. I purchased just Lifel1k3 on Kindle because I believe it was on sale and I figured why not, I'll probably get around to reading it eventually.
When I did get to read it, it was mostly because I was stuck somewhere, like a Dr. office and was perusing my Kindle books and decided to start reading it. I don't remember a lot of the story, I didn't connect with any of the characters and both Eve and Ezekiel annoyed me.
I only purchased LifeL1k3 and it was on Kindle so again, until Kindle books can be donated or transferred I'll just have it on my Kindle.

Angels & Demons by Dan Brown
I know, this is an odd ball.
I read The Da Vinci Code first, when it was starting to get popular before the movie came out. I read Angels & Demons almost ten years later and I thought it was such a step backwards from the awesome writing in The Da Vinci code, but it was the first book in the series. I also saw an article or blog post about how Dan Brown has become one of those 'hard to edit' authors. Meaning that since they rose to such high fame, editors are afraid to edit his work too much which ends up doing an injustice. Compounded with what I feel like the peak of the series being the Da Vinci code based on plot, I don't see myself continuing on and I'm leaving it
I did purchase The Lost Symbol and I have a physical copy of Angels & Demons I will be donating to either a library or local book store.

Strange The Dreamer by Laini Taylor
I know this is a polarizing book for many people. I flipped flopped with it for a while between audio and ebook from my library for a while until I finished it.
I did a lot of summary searching on the book throughout because I got really impatient with the way the story was progressing. I liked the way Laini and the narrator went through the book, however I felt like we dwelled on stuff just a bit too long for my liking. None of the characters were super interesting outside of Sarai and her siblings and all I really want to do is read information regarding these gods, not about them in this story. 
I only borrowed this book so it went back to my library.

And thats my most current list of series I wont be finishing. Let me know in the comments what book series you aren't going to finish or any comments on these series.


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