I want to talk about J.K. Rowling...

Hello readers.
Today's post is going to be a discussion of the comments that J.K. Rowling has made towards the LGBT+ community and how that affects me as a human and a reader. Normally I try not to talk about politics because usually, I fall into a minority mindset that I don't feel comfortable discussing with others due to the ramifications I have seen other people experience voicing their opinion.
Cancel culture is a toxic behavior many people participate in, whether they agree with it or not. I myself have had times where I want to write off a person due to hearing their opinion and only taking it as face value. However, we as humans are far more complex and should be heard out for our opinions rather than shunned. To react on your initial emotions creates a lot more unnecessary pain. You should hear everyone out. 
I am not trying to say that I don't voice my opinion in fear of being canceled. That would be ignorant of me to do. However, until we as humans stop pitting ourselves against each other and develop compassion and understanding, I don't see myself feeling comfortable using my platform here as a place to post my opinions.

To talk about my believes regarding the LGTB+ community. 
I believe that you all deserve the ability to live your life however you see fit. If you identify are a cis, gay male, I am beyond happy for you. I hope you find a partner you wish to share your life with.
If you are a trans female, I believe you deserve whatever makes you happy. No one should judge you for the way you wish to present yourself in your life. 
If you are a cis, ace female. You do not need sex to validate your relationship. It should be about an emotional connection you have with another person and how that feels to you.

Do I believe there are two sexual genders. Yes. Why? Because without gender, we eliminate the science behind reproduction. There is too much science behind gender to just say 'there aren't two genders'. We eliminate our genetic make up from birth. What makes us, us. 
I believe that people who identify as a different gender than the one they were born with are completely valid to change it at any time they wish to. Thats the beauty of choice in this world and often times we try to restrict it far too much.

Although I agree with Rowling that there are two sexual genders. I do not agree with her reasoning behind it. She chose to tie her argument in with women's suffrage, which is a selfish reasoning in my opinion. To take the topic of gender, defend it by arguing that it invalidates women's suffrage takes the conversation about gender identity and makes it about her, rather than the people who own the conversation. 

As someone who does believe in two genders, that doesn't mean I want to take away your ability to go from a cis male to a trans female. It means that I believe in science in a reproductive means, and that there are two sexual genders. I will never vote your rights away to transition, or be a protected human from people who would discriminate. I will fight by your side to make sure you are protected against discrimination. 
I just ask that you treat me with the same respect that I am treating you.

So why am I bringing this up here, on a book blog?
Because I still plan to purchase books relating to Harry Potter, but I do not support J.K.Rowling's believes on a multitude of other reasons. I think her choice to alter the original story post-production is a disgrace to the original story. I understand that the time frame she wrote the books in was the late 80's, early 90's and we were not as progressive as we are now nor was diversity a prevalent topic. However I do think she could have been more inclusive in her stories, especially the Fantastic Beasts franchise. Although the time frame for the story is older than that of HP, I think pop culture has raised enough demand that diversity should be included.

I do not wish to erase her as the author, or the joy that Harry Potter gave me growing up. I do not wish to erase Rowling's achievements in charity either.  Although her ideals are hurtful, she has also done a lot for children's charities, and every dollar donated to help a child in need, despite who it comes from, should be appreciated. 

Most of the books I purchase from the Wizarding World are already second hand, and I will continue to do so. Most of the merch I do enjoy relating to Harry Potter isn't branded merch, and I will continue to purchase from creators that may choose to do 'wizard' themed objects rather than directly relating it to the Harry Potter franchise. 

Let trans people be trans people.
Let queer people be queer people.
Let straight people be straight.
And let us all believe whatever we want to. 
Because that is the beauty of the freedom of choice.

All of the topics discussed above are my own opinions and feelings. If you wish to start a discussion in the comments, I am more than happy to do so. I also am aware I started quite a few sentences inappropriately, I used more dialect than proper grammar.

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(¸.·´ (¸.·’* ⛧ Nox!


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