Good Omens by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett

Good Omens by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Title: Good Omens
Year Published: 1990
Format: Physical book
Genre: Fiction, Magical Realism

   I'd like to preface this review by stating I mostly read this book to 1. explore Gaiman's writing and 2. a co-worker told me I should read it. I am fairly meh, because I don't get excited for anything outside of fantasy anymore and this book is set in modern times, in the UK, and the fantastical element is more about symbolism than it is about creating a fantasy.
   The plot of the story I found rather uninteresting. We follow two angels that were tasked with over-seeing the apocalypse. I think what truly pulled me through the book was all the side characters. I enjoyed seeing the details both Gaiman and Pratchett used to build up their characters, like with Raven specifically when he received the messenger. I also feel that by having Aziraphale and Crowley, you get a nice argument for the morality of human kind. Aziraphale I think like to live in the fantasy that we all subconsciously have of doing good and helping others, like when you sit there and think "Oh, I'm going to bring a pile of adoptable puppies to a children's hospital to read to them my favorite book from when I was a lad." Crowley, though cynical for sure, really sits in the more realistic image that humans live in of "Oh god, that person over there is screaming for help. I'd help her, but that means I'd get involved which sounds very involving."
   What I would consider this entire book is a written version of the Monty Python movies. They essentially took a humorous approach to the end of the world. Despite being a rather thick book, it was pretty easy to get through based on the writing. I don't think I will continue with any of Gaiman's other pieces of work aside from maybe the Sandman series. I believe he continues to write personifications for different themes in that series, which is what I did enjoy in this book.
  Overall, I can't say that I plan to ever revisit this book. I'm still considering watching the TV show, but my desire to do so isn't as strong as it was prior to completing Good Omens.
*I don't think I could spoil the book, it's about the apocalypse.


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