FairyLoot Box- March "Break The Curse Box"

Hello readers!
Today's post is another bookish subscription box!
I am featuring the Fairyloot March box. Fairyloot I think is the only box I actually ever wished I could purchase when I first started following Book Youtubers. I remember watching G from bookroast talking about the box way before she started working with them. 

This box is $33.90 a month for a book and contains one book and 5-6 bookish items. They are also shipped between the 20th-25th of every month. 
I really tried to fit EVERYTHING into this picture but there was a lot. My favorite items are the cup and the note pad. The cup is a Queen of Nothing tumbler designed by Noverantale. The fact that it was a tumbler cup was already winning but since it's got a QoN quote on it, I'm even more elated. Noverantale also designed the passport cover inspired by Heartless, which I absolutely adore as well.  
The Cursebreaker book-sleeve was designed by Eviebookish and has a quote from A Curse So Dark and Lonely. I've never had such a beefy book-sleeve but I'm excited to take this one camping.
The handband is Raven boys inspired and designed by Taratjah. I have a big head and no kids so I know I wont get much use out of it. I'll probably put this for sale on my depop account.
The lanyard is inspired by Caraval by Catarina. I haven't used a lanyard since high school so I may or may not keep it. I'm a nerd for stationary, so the genie notepad is more up my sleeve. I really like the design Catarina used along the edges.
The Velaris post card is a nice note from the crew at Fairyloot thanking their supporters for being patient while everything is in chaos. I totally see myself finding a small little frame to put it into and pretend like I got an actual postcard from a friend in Velaris.

This is an up-close shot of the tumbler to read the quote better. I'm already planning many days of using it while trying to read through this quarantine.

Last but not least is this months book. I did already receive an exclusive edition of Bone Crier's Moon in my March Bookish Box but this one comes with a print and exclusive reversible dust jacket designed by Diana. I tried taking several pictures of the inside of the dust jacket and I was having quite a difficult time. This edition also has gorgeous green shimmery sprayed edges. Since I have two copies of the book, I plan to keep the Fairyloot exclusive and either sell or donate my other copy to a local library once I am able to.
Would I repurchase?

Most definitely. I knew Fairyloot would stand out as my preferred box out of the ones I've purchased so far. I appreciate the level of detail and variation they offer compared to a lot of other boxes. 

Do I think it's worth the cost?

Totally.  I got a cup and a book-sleeve along with a pretty awesome special edition of a book. 


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