Hits & Shits

Hello readers!
Today's post is another Hits & Shits for February- April.
I'm going to attempt to keep this free of COVID-19 because I think most of us can agree that our current help pandemic is fairly shitty.


USS Midway Aircraft Carrier
In February my husband, Ethan and I went on a week-long vacation. This is a normal trip for us because Ethan's birthday is the 21st of February and it's a nice break in the marathon of winter season.
This year we decided to go back to San Diego, which is a place we have both lived and have family there. The entire vacation was a hit, however I wanted to talk specifically about our tour on the USS Midway Aircraft Carrier. When I was little, my dad was in the Navy and we were stationed in San Diego. I've been on an aircraft carrier before, however it was an operational one in like 93-94. Having my dad be in the military we would always be going to different museums as kids and teens, specifically about military related things. He's my favorite person to go on museum tours with specifically about America's war history because he's retained SO MUCH information that you could ask him why about whatever and he would know as if his buddy told him. 
I loved our tour because it reminded me of being a kid and nostalgia, I'm glad I got to experience it with my husband to have discussions on it that didn't feel like I was bouncing off an encyclopedia. 

Magic Crystal Body Scrub by Lush
I'm pretty new still to Lush, since we don't have a physical store anywhere close to me and I prefer to smell things before purchasing them when it comes to body care. I use body scrubs pretty religiously for many years and the grittier the better. I don't usually care for salt/sugar scrubs because I don't like how fast they dissolve in my hands while trying to scrub my body.
This one however, I've gotten to a point that I feel pretty comfortable using it. The scent is what really makes it over the top and into 'Hit' status for me. It has spearmint in it, which is one of my all-time favorite scents. 

I Like To Watch on Netflix's Youtube channel
One of my all-time favorite shows ever is UNHhh from World of Wonder on Youtube. I don't think I've ever been more addicted to a show ever in my life. So, when Netflix came out with I Like To Watch on their Youtube channel, 'Oh mamma" you know I was all about it.
Trixie and Katya together is like the perfect combination and having them review whatever garbage or not garbage is on Netflix is genius. I watched The Circle because of their review, and that's one of the most un-authentic piles of trash I've ever seen.
I'm sad it was a short lived series, but it was hilarious and sometimes I will re-watch episodes.


Outside of Coronavirus affecting the entire human population, lets see.

The biggest shit for me the start of the year has been coping with my own self confidence. This is a topic I think a lot of people can relate to in general, since we all have internal and external struggles. 
I've been really trying to take my time with finding where I want to see myself in five years, not to add pressure but to see if the steps I'm currently taking will bring me there. I understand my strengths, but I'm also realizing that I'm lacking the confidence I need to make the changes in my life that I want to see. I have started writing in a journal, because I know that sometimes I just need help organizing my thoughts.

I got good portion through this can and decided I didn't care for the product.
Let me state, I do not use dry shampoo a lot so I don't have a preference. I have really thick, wavy/curly hair that is very dry. I usually wash my hair at the very least, once every 3 days because I don't build up a lot of oil. Depending on what my plans are for the week, because lets be honest we need to look flossy certain days, I will use dry shampoo around day 4.
What I don't care for about this specific one is that it doesn't do much for my hair other than make it crunchy. It has a hint of coconut, but it doesn't make my hair smell like it. I will mostly likely use this, however I'm not a fan.
I would like to explore high end hair products moving forward. I have dark, SUPER thick, dry and wavy hair. I've been doing more braids lately that have helped tamed a lot of the knots and frizz. 

The 're-surfacing' of what I can only summarize as cancel culture.
What I am referring to is the way everyone is reacting to how each business is handling the current economic hardship EVERYONE IS GOING THROUGH. Get off your high horse, and please find actual fact-based news outlets to follow. We know our president is an idiot, we know there are people out there trying to benefit from this situation. Just be kind to each other and try to sympathize with our individual situations, especially in a time of so much uncertainty.


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