Get To Know The Fantasy Reader Tag

Hello readers!
Welcome to me binge writing blog posts while in social distancing. This tag was going around Youtube and I chose to do it myself. It was originally a Romance Reader tag Bree Hill did over on her blog.

1. What is your fantasy origin story? (How you came to read your first fantasy novel) Like most people, I read Harry Potter as a kid. It certainly help influence my reading, however the first fantasy book I ever remember reading is a tie between Guardians of The Ga'Hoole, which I only read the first book and Eragon.
I would say that Eragon definitely influenced my reading tastes past Harry Potter.
2. If you could be the hero/heroine in a fantasy novel, who would be the author and what’s one trope you’d insist be in the story?
I'd love to have Maas write me into a book. She'd give me the best love interest in the end and everyone would have to read about how broken I was before I got my shit together.
I'd ask for it to be a proper Hades & Persephone, or at the very least enemy to lovers. 3. What is a fantasy you’ve read this year, that you want more people to read? 
I didn't read this in 2020, but in the last 12 months I started the Witchlands series. More people need to read the entire series because I need more Iseult & Aeduan fan art.
4. What is your favorite fantasy subgenre? What subgenre have you not read much from? 
I would say that I mostly enjoy High fantasy. If a world is totally made up with it's own religion, magic system, yadda yadda I'm into it.
I really don't care for dystopian, if that's considered a fantasy. Otherwise I don't read much Urban fantasy but I am interested in it.

5. Who is one of your auto-buy fantasy authors? 6. How do you typically find fantasy recommendations? (Goodreads, Youtube, Podcasts, Instagram...) 7. What is an upcoming fantasy release you’re excited for?
I think about this book occasionally and I get exciting thinking about potentially reading about it.
8. What is one misconception about fantasy you would like to lay to rest?
There are many fantasy authors in the world. You will find some who you don't care for their stories or the way they write. Others you mostly likely will enjoy. Just jump into a series and if you don't like it, you don't like it. But now you can say you've tried it. 9. If someone had never read a fantasy before and asked you to recommend the first 3 books that come to mind as places to start, what would those recommendations be?
Urban Fantasy- Blood & Chocolate
High Fantasy/Fairytale retellings- A Court of Thorns & Roses
Sci Fi- I would honestly pick Star Wars.
10. Who is the most recent fantasy reading content creator you came across that you’d like to shoutout?
I haven't found many new creators that stick to just fantasy. Some of my ol' favorites are G from Book Roast, Sam from ThoughtsonTomes, and the_nameless_thirteenth from Instagram.

I tag everyone reading this to do it and please leave your version either in the comments or tag me on Twitter.


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