The Falconer by Elizabeth May

The Falconer by Elizabeth May
Title: The Falconer
Author: Elizabeth May
Year Published: 2014
Format: E-Book
Genre: Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult, Historical Fiction, Science Fiction- Steampunk

  This book was just meh for me. It was easy enough to read, but I didn't find anything about the story very compelling. It also falls at more of a 2.5-3 star rating for me because I don't hate it, I think others may enjoy it.
  First, I didn't bother trying to figure out how to pronounce our main characters name, so I'm going to refer to her as Aly. Aly was probably the most complex character, however I got really bored of her really fast just continuing to refer to herself as an angry murderer. We fucking get it, you showed us by murdering fairies within the first chapter and you keep repeating yourself. I get you don't have a lot of friends, but you don't need to create your own echo chamber, honey. 
  Two, I can get behind a love triangle if it isn't basic. This one was super basic. We get it, the fairie is who you want but is the 'bad boy you can't have'. The other is her best friends brother who ends up pitty- engag-ing (idc if thats a word) because you're both a little screwed in the head and society has expectations of you. It's a very boring love triangle that I had no flame for.
   I've seen this compared to Buffy, and I can understand why. I was never much of a Buffy fan, but I understand the action of the show was an underlying plot motivator which is fine. The fight scenes in this are all that really kept me reading aside from it being an actual really easy book to digest. I just feel like I somewhat wasted my time in a self-isolation moment, when all I have is time. 
   Over-all, probably wont continue the series because I'm not invested in finding out more about Falconers, Seers, and this group in general. I know this review is short but I'd rather not spend more time talking about this book.

*This section may container spoilers.


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