The Bookish Box- February "A Tale Retold"

Hello readers!
Today's post is an unboxing of The Bookish Box's February Box.
The Bookish Box is a subscription service I've been following for at least two years on Instagram. I absolutely love the heart that Justine puts into these boxes, both of her businesses and her Instagram page. I've never received one of their boxes before, and this is a box I purchased myself.

This box was $28.99 and includes a new release YA book, bookish goodies, and their monthly tarot cards. I also got a coupon for $5.00 off at The Bookish Shop if I use Paypal, which is a neat perk but I personally don't use Paypal a lot so I don't think I'll use it. Who knows.

There are different types of boxes you can get. There is an option to add a T-shirt to your box which is $43.00. You can also choose between a YA or Adult book. There is also a book only box as well.  

This box managed to show up while I was on vacation so when I got home I was immediately in unpack mode, which is why I have so few photos of all the items.

My favorite thing from the box was the Jane inspired book ends designed by @paperbackbones. I've been thinking about getting some book ends for my book shelves for a while and typically they are what gives me the most FOMO watching other peoples unboxings. I will definitely get a lot of use out of these and they are already on my shelves in my office.
The bookmark is a wooden one, which I am really grateful for. I am most excited to build up my bookmark collection through these boxes. This one is inspired by Howl's Moving Castle and designed by @alchemyandink.
The necklace is a laser cut necklace inspired by Stalking Jack The Ripper, which is a series I haven't read.
The enamel pin has a quote from Uprooted, another book I haven't read but I want to. This was designed by @BlissfullyBookishCo.
The candle is inspired by Romanov, another book I haven't read. It smells like chocolate cake.

My spoiler card also mentioned some of the upgrades, such as the shirt that was available for the upgraded box. The adult book was also listed.
What was missing from my box was this months tarot cards, which were inspired by Little Women. There was a note that due to the health crisis the world is in, shipping is delayed and will be shipped in March. I appreciate that they shipped the box regardless and put a note in and didn't delay the shipping of the over-all box.

The book this month for the YA edition was Seven Deadly Shadows by Courtney Alameda & Valynne Maetani. The exclusive dust jacket was created by @bloodyDamnit. It also included a signed book plate. Each book also comes with an awesome pouch to keep your books safe. As I mentioned in my last bookish unboxing, I really like protective sleeves for my books.

Would I re-order this box?
Yes. Although I don't know if I will thoroughly enjoy everything in this specific box I think they have a good mix of usable items. I've been following this subscription box for a while and although this is the first time I've ordered from them, I appreciate the amount of effort put into each box. Book marks and book ends are usually always really useful. Candles are a safe bet to put into a box. I personally enjoy jewelry as well, and if it's pretty generic I feel like it doesn't matter if I don't relate to the reference. 

Do I think it's worth the cost?
Yes. $28 for a book and a mix of fan merch isn't a terrible price. Most hardcover books are around $15.00 depending on the author and outlet, which is already half the cost of the box. The rest of the items I feel like I kind of went over regarding whether or not I'd re-order the box.

I will catch you guys in next months unboxing. Considering I will end up with a lot of book-ish merch by the end of the year, I decided to create a depop account (@rkrudd) to resell some of the items I feel like I wouldn't get the most use out of.   


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