Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch

Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch
Title: Snow Like Ashes
Author: Sara Raasch
Year Published: 2014
Format: Physical book
Genre: Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult

   I feel like this review has been the longest thing coming, ever.
   Over-all, I ended up liking this book far more than I truly expected to. Raasch's writing was very simple and easy to read. The story was building up to be really interesting, but for some reason the execution seemed to be slow.
   We are introduced to this band of survivors, and although you live with specific characters for a while, there isn't any pieces of information that make you invest in the story. The only character I'm truly interested in is Meira, and even using 'interested' is a bit of an overstatement. It's like you have a friend who has an entirely different friend group and they tell you stories about them but for whatever reason, mostly likely because you're an introvert, you don't care to get to know them to be your own friends? There is a love triangle, which I find myself on a very clear side of the fence, but it's also not the most offensive execution of the trope I've ever read. Mather is like being with home, but Theron just seems so much more interesting. I am slightly curious to see where the love triangle goes.
   Most of the story seems to be propelled more by events/emotions that the characters. Spring is this big bad guy, that just disappears after the second half of the book really picks up speed. At first I found the visions and flash backs a little lazy but as they progressed through and got more in depth explaining a major plot point I didn't find them as irritating. I mostly just felt robbed of character interaction because for the most part, Meira didn't dwell too long with most characters except Theron. 
   A lot of this book specifically reminded me of the first two books in the Throne of Glass series. For some reason, Meira mentally related to Celaena in my mind. I think a lot of it was the visions from a dead queen. Over-all I don't find a lot of this book very memorable, so it's hard to recommend the series. I plan on doing a mid-year TBR review and by then I may decide whether or not I plan to continue the series or if I feel like I'd waste my time.

*This section may contain spoilters.
**This rating has been calculated using the CAWPILE system.


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