Series I've Stalled On

Hello readers!
Today's post is actually inspired by book-tuber, Sarah-Jane from The Book Life.
She posted a video of all the series that's she's stalled on, and I felt like this was a topic I could definitely relate to.

I, like many others in the world, have a compelling need to complete book series. It's a cruel need to finish something I started that can result in reading slumps, unfinished pages, and the worst, not reading despite really wanting to. This feeling gets exceptionally worse if I've invested my time into at least two of the books in a series.

So, I want to call myself out regarding unfinished series. These are stalls on series that are either already completely published or they have multiple books of the series out and I haven't bothered to continue through them.

 This was somewhat of a planned stall. 
I knew diving into this one I was going to take a while to get to book 2. The third part of the series wasn't out and there is a definite stall to finish writing it. After finishing The Name of The Wind, the stall for book 2 become more intentional. Although I over-all enjoyed reading it, I didn't love it as much as I expected for the hype. I've stayed pretty far away of most opinions regarding book 2 and I haven't heard too many positive things regarding the novella.
For now, I still plan to wait to read the next book until possibly next year or at least when I've caught up with a lot of the smaller books I've placed on my higher priority TBR.

 Six of Crows is technically a re-read for me because I listened to it on audio like two years ago, but I don't remember any of it for some reason. So technically, I expected to wait to finish, so I could reread this book, however I really thought I would have finished this by now. This duology is at the very top of my TBR for not only this year, but for the next 4 months.

I don't know why I paused this series. I think the writing was slow during the first two books, but I thought it improved greatly for the novella and I was excited to get back into the series. I think part of the reason I took a break was because there is some serious suspense for where this story goes and what happens to these queens that is really fed into by the titles.
I plan on continuing this series this year as well. Hopefully sooner than later.  

I knew when I made it halfway through Windwitch that there would be a big pause for me in the series. 
I love everything about the Witchland series, however the end of Truthwitch and the beginning of Windwitch was an extremely rough road for me. It put me into a reading slump and I'm still slowly pulling myself back out of it. 
I've heard amazing things about Bloodwitch, I even own it, however I needed to take a big step backwards and just breath from the world built in. 
Although I'm glad I read Sightwitch, it was also brutal to make it through. I'm hoping once the next book comes out to revisit the series and catch up. 

 Y'all ever have a jacket you love but you forget that it's in your closet until you either run across it, see someone else wearing it, or think of a memory and that jacket was what you were wearing that night?
That is this book for me.
I enjoyed this book, it was one of the first I reviewed here on my blog. But for some reason, I just haven't picked up the rest of the series to finish this journey. I have no excuses, but I also don't know when I will get back to it. 

This is a very recent stall for me, but it's also a very planned stall.
I picked up LifeL1k3 because I was looking for an e-book to read on my kindle cloud reader at work when it got slow, on breaks, or if I needed to take a second. I don't know what I expected with comparisons to Mad Maxx and Tank Girl. Reflecting on having read this book and thinking about other pieces of Jay's writing, I think my expectations were a little too high. That being said, I'm not currently interested in continuing the series. It will be a long stall for sure. 

I've kept my optimism pretty high for this series throughout reading it. I enjoyed Every Heart a Doorway and part of the other ones. I'm just not sure if I'm going to continue to be interested in the direction the story is going. I will most likely wait for a few more of them to come out before I jump back into the series. 

What are some series that you are all stalled on? Have you finished any of these and think I should move them up on my priority list? Or are there any that I should just abandon?
Let me know in the comments below!


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