February Wrap Up

Hello readers!
Today's post is a monthly wrap up!

I finished another re-read of ACOMAF, this time via audiobook.
It felt really good to listen to a book I already know I like and keep me 'reading' despite it being a reread. I'm hoping it will help me keep listening to audiobooks at least for the next month or so.

I fucking finished it. Hell yeah.
There should already be a review up for this one. I ended up liking it more than I expected to, though I may wait a month or so before jumping into the next one. 

Finished this, which I'm really excited about since it was at the very top of my TBR since I got it in November. I managed to finish it a lot faster than I expected, which I 100% attribute to Tome Topple.

The two books I brought in this month were both from subscription boxes.
I first saw this book when reviewing all of the new releases for the year and it caught my attention but not enough to add it to my immediate TBR. That being said, I am excited to add this to my shelves.

I haven't heard anything about this book but it was in my Bookish Box for this month. Reading the synopsis it sounds very similar to another book I read a few years ago that I ended up enjoying a lot more than I expected. I don't have a lot of experience with Asian themed fantasy in general, like I watched Sailor Moon and Pokemon was my jam as a kid but over all I don't have much exposure.


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