Blogmas Day 7- End of the Year Book Tag

Hello readers!
Today's Blogmas post is another book tag I found on Jenniely's blog, you can see her post from last year here.

1. Are there any books this year you need to finish?
I try to complete series in the same year, if it's an option. So I'd like to get to Queen of Nothing and finish the Snow like Ashes series before the end of the year.
2. Do you have an autumnal book to transition to the end of the year?
Not really. I don't read spooky books in October because it's spooky, I'll read them any time. I do like to mentally, and sometimes physically, revisit the Autumn Court though, specifically when the leaves start changing.
3. Is there a new release you're still waiting for?
I have a few releases from this year I'm still waiting to read or purchase. I think to read would be Queen of Nothing. To purchase, I'd really love to pick up a copy of Serpent & Dove.
4. What are three books you want to read by the end of the year?
Queen of Nothing
Snow Like Ashes
The Lost Sisters

5. Is there a book that you think could still shock you and become your new favorite?
Not really. My biggest anticipated releases from 2019 were Darkdawn and Queen of Nothing. I expected both of them to be good. Obviously I loved Darkdawn. Queen of Nothing would not surprise me if it was my new favorite. These two series are like what I would list if someone asked me to describe myself in books.
6. Have you already made reading plans for 2020?
Not really. I'd love to do a full blown reading list like I did at the beginning of 2019, however I'm worried I may end up having a lot on my plate by setting myself up to try to read 50 books. If anything, my goals are to actually finish the list I made for myself in 2019 before purchasing new books or diving into a new series. I'd also really love to get back to NetGalley. 

I tag anyone who would like to do this tag! I know it's a short one but sometimes it's nice to not draw on about books. 


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