10 Year Book Challenge

Hello readers!
It is the last day of the year and I've decided to do the 10 Year Challenge Book Tag. I found this tag through Sam, at ThoughtsonTomes.

To preface, 2009 was a lawless year in my life. I was just a mere 19 years old. I was more into driving around at midnight into the desert than reading. I would buy piles of books from Barnes & Noble for careless things like reading half the synopsis, or just the last page, or even worse... going off the cover alone.
I still haven't made it through all of those books.
So, my tastes have definitely changed and I am reading a lot more, especially strategically. 

1. What was your favorite book in 2009?
I don't think I nailed down my favorite author at this point, my taste was still wild and free.
This was also essentially all that I was reading at this point in time.

2. What is your favorite book of 2019?
 It's truly a tie between these two for the year. I knew that I was going to have these be the peak and they did not disappoint.

3. What was your least favorite book in 2009?
I originally tried reading this back in 2009, it was part of the pile of random books I purchased this year.

4. What was your least favorite book in 2019?
 I'm going to give the Mortal Instruments a break on this post, even though I did list it as my least favorite book this year in my wrap up post.
I can only beat that drum so long.
This was another series I really, really didn't care for this year.
I got really bored most of the way through This Savage Song. Our Dark duet was meh.
Over-all, I really can't remember much of what happened in this series or most of the characters names and I really don't care to try to look it up or remember.

5. What is a book published in 2009 that you still want to read?
I have not even touched this series and although I've gone back and forth for years on whether or not I want to, I think I've finally decided to.
I read recently somewhere that this series now in 2019 is pretty powerful with it's propaganda, which is what pushed me to read it. That and the books are physically pretty small.

6. What is a book published in 2019 you want to get to before 2020?
I am posting this mid-way through December, so I may finish this before the year is over. However if I don't, this is 1000000% on my list to finish by the end of December.

7. What is a genre you used to read a lot of that you don't read as much of anymore?
Most definitely contemporary.
For me, the end of last decade was filled with a lot of books about teenage girls on drugs. Crank, Cut, Go Ask Alice. Even FLB's books are contemporary. 
I don't think I've burnt myself out on it, but I definitely seek more substance from what I'm reading now. 

8. What is a new genre you've discovered since 2009?
Can I just say Young Adult Fiction?
Young Adult wasn't quite a genre I was aware of. I have always been pretty aware of High Fantasy, like Lord of The Rings, but YA fantasy is like taking baby steps into High Fantasy. 
High Fantasy had this stigma about it that I was kind of intimidated by, mostly by the word-y-ness of the books more-so than the size. 
Since I've started reading YA fantasy, I've explored more High Fantasy and I feel less intimidated by it. For instance, the Throne of Glass series, which I've completed, is probably just as long as the entire Lord of the Rings series, just broken into more books than just 3. Theres no reason for me not to be able to make it through these large books if I can do it when they are broken down further.

9. What is a reading or book habit you are hoping to leave behind in this decade?
Filler books. I tend to find "low hanging fruit" type of books to read through rather than actually opening books I have on my TBR because I think they'll be a quick read. AS I mentioned in question 7. I am looking for books with more substance. 
What I know I need to change, and I don't think it's a huge issue, is setting expectations on myself to finish a book quickly. Part of this is prompted because I'm afraid I will hit another reading slump that will take me out for years, like the last one did, and all I want to do is read. I'm feeding a vicious cycle by consuming books that I don't care about trying to avoid a slump of not wanting to read anything rather than just pony-ing up and getting through books with the substance I am looking for.

10. What is a new reading goal or habit you want to create in the upcoming decade?
If I don't like it, I need to just leave it alone.
I don't care if it's only 300 pages.
I don't care if it's only a duology.
I don't care if I set an expectation on myself to complete it. 
If I don't like it, don't read it.

I'm posting this on the last day of the year, if you're seeing this and would like to do it on 12/31 too or even in January, please feel free to do so and leave your tag in the comments below.
See you guys next year!


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