Top 5 Wednesday- End of Year TBR

Hello readers!
Today's Top 5 topic I took from a fellow top 5 wednesday-er, and it's books on my TBR for the rest of 2019.
This year has been a roller coaster in so many ways, and I try not to use that term lightly. I went from a really great start on tackling my Goodreads goal to becoming pregnant and feeling sick when I'd sit down to read. At the time of writing this, I am 5 books away from reaching my goal, so I'm hoping to make it through this list of books to ensure I hit it.

1. Snow Like Ashes: I have been working on this book for a few months now, and although I've stalled I'm feeling pretty good about finishing it. The story seems like it's at a place that is picking up from a lot of the story-layout phase.

2. Queen of Nothing: I have pre-ordered this book and as soon as it comes out I plan on finishing it. I love this series so much and The Wicked King left us on a bit of a cliffhanger.

3. Serpent & Dove: This book I've heard about for a while, but it hadn't quite hit my radar as something I'd want to prioritize picking up until around Halloween. There are a few different themes in the book that I do enjoy, like hate to love and witches, so I'm pretty excited to dive into Mahurin's writing. 

4. Strange The Dreamer: I started this on audiobook from my library using Libby but I didn't finish it before the rental was up. What I've read so far I've enjoyed, however I think it needs more discipline that what I've been giving it to really dive into the story.

5. The Lost Sisters: I will try to read this short story prior to finishing the series, and by the time this posts I may have already read it. Whatever Folk of Air content I can get I am trash for.


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