Top 5 Wednesday- Favorite Horror Movies

Hello readers!
Today's top 5 topic is favorite horror/thriller movies.
If you have been following me through the month of October, I have been posting about horror/thriller movies I have been watching leading up to Halloween. This list is a compilation of both movies I have previously seen and any that really stood out from my Friday's posts.
This post will be ranked from 1-5, 1 being the best horror movie I have seen.

1. The Grudge: This movie so thoroughly freaked me out, I legitimately had nightmares about it. I managed to give myself enough anxiety that I couldn't sleep the night after seeing it. Like I slept fine the night I saw it, I carried that shit through the next 48 hours. I recently tried to re-watch it and I couldn't get passed the first like 20 minutes because the kid started meowing and I was brought back to nope land.

2. The Conjuring: As you know, I just recently watched this. I love haunted houses and possession by evil spirits. It gives me some Amittyville Horror vibes, which is one of my favorite horror movies. The amount of creep and believable torture that the characters go through was what I am looking for in a creepy movie.

3. The Ring: Do you ever have a movie that you just randomly think about on occasion? For me, it's the Ring sequels more so than the original. Something about the story and the visual effects the production team have stuck with me long term. I enjoy that the first movie in itself is a complete story. The sequel feels like if you were watching in-depth information about the original story. Almost like a behind the scenes thing but done really well. 

4. Texas Chainsaw Massacre: As far as more classic horror movies, I am a fan of TCM. Freddy, Jason, Michael are all fine. Give me a family of murderers that trap people to torture and I'm on board. What I think creeps me out the most about TCM, and the fact that I find it so creepy, is that it's a pretty realistic scenario. People are enigmas as far as emotions go, and I would not put it passed some people in this world to end up as mentally low as these characters. I think modern technology has alleviated some of the possibility, but then you think of how many unreported cases there could be about a similar situation that we will never know about and it makes you think twice about the state of Texas. 

5. Saw: Watching this movie made me realize that I have a very common theme I "enjoy" in my horror movies. Torture the characters and I will watch it. In Saw, it's a physical, emotional, and mental torture in a way. Trying to figure out what you did to get yourself into this mess. The emotional strain of reliving a shameful moment, or remembering what sin you did. On top of that, you probably will have to saw your leg off to get out alive. It's a nice orchestra of oppression. 

If any of you are horror movie fans, let me know your favorites below!


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