Lover Book Tag

Hello readers!
Today's post is a good ol' tag. This tag was created by Author Allison Aldridge from Youtube. She created this tag a little while ago in celebration of Taylor Swift's new album. I would not consider myself a Swiftie, but I have been known to sing a song or two of hers in the car, probably by myself.

I Forgot You Existed- A character you would love to forget or wish didn't exist
Jonathan Christopher "Jace" Wayland/Morgenstern
I know I've only made it part way through the Mortal Instruments. I'm sure it gets better. I will however never know because I won't be finishing the books. Why? Because I can't stand Jace. There is nothing I can even remotely state I like about him. I can't say I wish he didn't exist because thats harsh, but I kinda wish I had never bothered with City of Bones.

Cruel Summer: Favorite summer romance book
I'm not a big romance reader, but my favorite books to read in the summer that feature romance are the Weetzie Bat series. Weetzie's aesthetic is love; loving each other or fashion or food or animals or music. 

Lover: Favorite OTP romance
Celia & Marco from The Night Circus
I really enjoy their dynamic and the imagery that Erin paints in the Night Circus is so romantic. Imagine having a magical boyfriend that can make you magical things. It's a beautiful way to express your affection to one another.

The Man: Favorite strong female lead
Three Dark Crowns
Instead of picking one strong female lead, I chose four.
Yes I said four. Even though I'm only halfway through the series, I consider Jules a lead character as well.
This series is all about strong female women and what they will go through for their lives, or for power. I can't quite pick which lady is my favorite, however if I had to pick who's powers I had, I'd wish I was Jules. I know she's considered "cursed" but I'd rather be a powerful chic that goes down swinging.

The Archer: A fantasy world you would be willing to live in
This will probably be a generic answer, but I 1000x over will pick the Wizarding World.
There is so much complexity within the series and the continuation to experience.

I Think he Knows: The most loved book on your shelf
This book doesn't physically look that rough, but it's Necklace of Kisses by FLB.
Every time I think of it, my first thought it to reread it. I cherish each time I read it as well. 

Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince: Favorite forbidden romance
Maven & Mare
I found their romance steamier than Cal & Mare because Maven was a bit more restricted and wouldn't allow himself to be affectionate with Mare. I would honestly write fanfic for the two if I had time.
Cal & Mare was also pretty good, I enjoyed their affectionate moments but I would still stan Maven& Mare.
I feel like this is my Stelana or Delena moment.

Paper Rings: A book lover you would marry
I love Rhysand to the point that I am Team Rhysand, but I also have a type.
Green eyes just get me.

Cornelia Street: A book set in a place you would love to visit or love visiting
The Folk of The Air
I'd love to be able to go visit the fairies, even though it may not end well. Hopefully I'd be more prepared, like Jude, and not become a slave.

Death by a Thousand Cuts: A book that made you into a puddle of mush
Outlander, duh.
Have you met Jamie Fraiser? Do I need to introduce you two? What are you doing?
I need his sexual innocence which is such a controversial term but defines him so perfectly.

London Boy: Your favorite British character
Fred & George Weasley
They are perfect beans, I love both of them. 
Shhhh, we don't talk about what happens.

Soon You'll Get Better: Favorite book that deals with a sickness (mental or physical)
Elena, Vanishing
It's weird to say this, but I enjoyed reading about Elena's eating disorder. It was just relatable to my life experiences. I have never had an eating disorder, but I felt familiarity in her spiral into depression.

False God: Sexiest romance you have read
Veil of Midnight
It's been YEARS since I've read this. I picked it up sometime in highschool not realizing it was a smutty romance novel. I can't recall any of the details either.

You Need to Calm Down: A book you fangirl about like no other when it's mentioned
Nevernight & The Cruel Prince
They are the two books that I think represent me and my style the most.
I love the lack of importance on love interests to the plot of the story. It's a small part of the bigger picture. I also enjoy the stab-stabs and cleverness our main characters require.

Afterglow: Your favorite villain that you can't help but love
Amarantha had so much potential. 
If we got a book only about Amarantha from the first war and her life all the way up to trapping everyone under the mountain, I would read it and more than likely fan girl over it.

Me!: A book character you would want to play in the movie or television adaptation
Emma Watson is the perfect Hermione, however if there was anyone out there that I felt like I related to as a character, it would be her. Bushy hair, being made fun of for being a know-it-all, hanging out in the library. That was me.

Its Nice to Have a Friend: Favorite friend to lovers book couple
Rhysand & Feyre
I thought their progression of their relationship was really refreshing. We see a lot of insta-love, we some quite a bit of enemies to lovers, but none of them are set up the same as these two. Rhys knew that Feyre was his mate, but continued to pursue a friendship with her over blurting out they were mates and leaving her with the repercussions. He wanted the choice to be with him to be hers without the pressure of "mates". I appreciate his moral character in a lot of ways, and this is by far my most favorite trait of his.

Daylight: A book that left a lasting impression on you or you could not stop thinking about after you were finished
If I buy merch, it's because I loved a book enough to need to keep sipping it's tea.
There are only five books I've ever bought merch from or relating to:
Harry Potter- Puzzles, wands, books, jewelry, clothes.
Throne of Glass- A pin for The Thirteen. I'm trash for Manon.
A Court of Thorns & Roses- The LitJoy box for ACOFAS.
Nevernight- A pin, though I plan to purchase so much more.
Shadow & Bone- An antler necklace & ring. Alina is life.

Feel free to take this tag and do it yourself! I'd love to see your answers posted below!


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