Top 5 Wednesday- Fictional Vacations

Hello readers!
Today's top 5 topic is fictional places I'd love to go on vacation.
I don't believe I've ever done this topic before, but I'm sure I've touched on something similar before.

1. Pyrinthian, from A Court of Thornes & Roses: This would be the ultimate vacation spot to be honest. The way the entire continent is divided by seasons in itself is genius because if I was in Pyrinthian, I'd totally visit each seasonal court during their respective seasons. Or if I'm tired of the heat of summer, let me just skip over to Winter really fast. The solstice courts all sound lovely, so in my fictional perfect world I'd live in all three. I love the mountains of the Night Court, the dreaminess of the Dawn Court, and the Egyptian-like feel of the Day court.  

2. Luna, from the Lunar Chronicles: Something that I have a secret want for is to see people in space. Though Luna is far from perfect, it's a start in what could be a possibility if people were to make it to the moon to habitat. Next to treating diseases, I think space exploration is up there in what I'd spend all my space dollars one.

3. Diagon Alley, from Harry Potter: This is very simple. I'd go here simply for all the feels that Harry Potter gives me. Just imagining the first time Harry made it with Hagrid gives me all the warm fuzzy feelings. 

4. Elfhame, from The Cruel Prince: I don't know if Elfhame would be much of a vacation considering how they treat the humans they capture. However if I had the freedoms Jude had, it wouldn't be so bad. 

5. Os Alta, from Shadow & Bone: The main reason I'd want to go here would be to see the Grisha school and watch all of the children learn how to use their powers. The palaces also sound quite lovely, however I definitely wouldn't want to stay long term. 

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