Random Question Tag

These were random questions I found in various different tags that I was interested in answering. They are pretty original compared to other tags.

1. What character changed your life?
This may be a very overused answer, but the number one character that changed my life would be Hermione Grainger. When I originally read Harry Potter I was the little girl with messed up teeth and bushy brown hair that played extremely close to the rules. So to see her character find friends, and then grow into a powerful independent lady gave me a lot of confidence in believe in myself, despite what others may think of me.

2. If you had to pick 3/5 books that define you, what would they be?
It's hard to pick books to describe myself, however if I had to pick books to represent my taste there are a few.
1. The Glass Castle- I never really thought I would enjoy memoirs but last summer I read two and I find myself thinking about them a lot since I finished the story.
2. Crank- No, I am not addicted or have I ever been addicted to drugs. However, stories that include realistic conflicts, like drug abuse or depression, are easy to pick up and devour for me. Everyone handles their difficulties differently, so reading about unique experiences is pretty interesting. 
3. Nevernight- What I love most about Nevernight, is the super mature tone to what others may consider a Young Adult book. I find YA easy to digest and consume, but as an older and more "aware" reader, I also appreciate trauma and mature themes in these stories. 

3. What magic system from any book would you pick?
Despite however many books I read, I truly believe this answer will always be Harry Potter. Rowling did such a fantastic job with the details in this series that its truly hard to beat. The only thing is, I would much prefer the England experience over what we've seen unveiled with the American experience. 

4. Whats your Zodiac? 
I'm a Sagittarius. I know some people feel like they don't identify or do identify with their signs. For the most part, I think I do. I love adventure and although crazy isn't the word I'd use to describe myself I can see how others may think my care-free nature can come off as crazy.

5. Favorite tropes.
I love the Hades & Persephone romance trope, there is some relationship building that is realistic to actual relationships that I love more than anything else. I also tend to like the enemies to lovers trope, like in The Cruel Prince.

6. Best written morally grey character.- Contains Spoilers for Game of Thrones. 
To pick one is really difficult, especially because there is so much literature still out there that I haven't read. If we include television, I would name Daenerys Targaryan from Game of Thrones. I've mentioned before, I haven't read the books though I don't think her character shows the conflict in morality until the last two seasons anyway. She is a complex character and as much as people route for her to rule as a just Queen, I can't disagree with her going mad. Specifically, in the last two episodes of Season 8, I think it's easier than people think to link her actions with previous incidents. The foreshadowing definitely could use some work, however when she got to Dragonstone and started having conflict with Tyrion's POV and Olenna's opinion I think we start to see things unravel. I could go on and on, but I'll save it for another time.

7. Favorite re-read?
Every fall I try to read another Harry Potter book. I mostly definitely watch the movies once October/November hit. 
I do like to re-read ACOMAF in the Spring/Summer as well. 

8. What is the one book you recommend the most?
It's a toss up but either A River In Darkness if they are more into non-fiction or Song of Achilles is they prefer fiction and crying.

9. Favorite place to buy books?
Typically Amazon or Grassroots, which is a local book store. I've only ordered elsewhere a few times. As much as I love the Barnes & Noble editions of certain books, their shipping process for new releases drives me bonkers.

10. Favorite Non-human character.
I would have to say, all non-human characters in Sarah J. Maas's writing. If we get technical and pick just one, probably the Bone Carver above all. It definitely gets the most page time, however the idea of the character is pretty clever.

11. Do you have a favorite audio-book narrator?
I can be picky about audio-books depending on the narrator, I've heard a lot of great things about the Harry Potter narrator through Audible I believe, though I haven't listened to those yet.
Right now my favorite audible author is Elizabeth Evans, she narrates the Throne of Glass series and I love the way she changed her dialect for each character and her accents are awesome.

12. Whats the last book you bought?
Likelife Kindle edition by Jay Kristoff.

13. What book would you absolutely love to see as a movie?
Down Among The Sticks & Bones. I'm a sucker for re-tellings of classic stories and this one has plenty of elements of old horror movies.

14. If you could pick any two characters from different books to become your OTP, which two would you pick?
I would pick... Cardan from The Cruel Prince and probably Amren from ACOMAF. I think Cardan likes to be dominated and Amren is certainly the woman for the job.

15. If you were transported into the setting of your current read, where would you be?
Primoria, specifically the Winter Kingdom from Snow like Ashes.
A fairly depressing place to be.


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