Update- Life, changes, and why I've been quiet.

Hey readers, I wanted to give you a little update on why my blog posts have kind of slowed down and what you can expect from me the next few months.

I found out back at the very end of February, beginning of March that my husband and I are expecting a baby in October. This is our first child and we are both excited, nervous, and anticipating changes. I've been trying to reduce stress for so many reasons but mostly because I know with this increase of hormones my anxiety can go through the roof.
Part of that is reducing my reading. I know it seems counter intuitive to not use reading as stress revealing, however I haven't been able to find comfort in reading like I used to. I have a book on my coffee table, my night stand, all my usual spots to keep when where I usually feel like reading and I just can't focus on the words when I pick up a book. I don't believe it's what I'm reading, because I'm trying to reread ACOMAF which is a book I love to pick up, and even the new book I have isn't uninteresting. 
That being said, I've decided to chop my very ambitious TBR that I had for this year of 50 books down to 25. I still want to read more through this year, however I don't think I can realistically get to 50 books. I may surprise myself and go over 25, I just don't want to add that pressure.
With my reduction in reading also means I wont have many books to review here. For the time being, I've decided to change my commitment from 3 posts a week to try and get 2 in. I will still continue my Top 5 Wednesday posts, any I'll try to make at least one other post in a week. 
I'm hoping to feel a bit better and maybe find some more time as summer really start to kick off here, however I wanted to let you guys know that do come here and read my blog regularly why I'm not as active. You can still find me regularly on Instagram if you want to chat, I check the comments here at least once a week, and if you have any lengthy comments you can also email me at peakstopages@gmail.com.

Thanks guys!


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