Top 5 Wednesday- Mother Figures

Hello readers!
Today's Top 5 Topic is our favorite mother figures, and trying to use any HP ones.
Oh boy.
I went through my Goodreads list of books I've read and man, it was hard to find mother figures. It almost seems like the first step to fantasy writing is to get rid of a mother figure.

1. La Contessa Cornaro from The Tethered Mage- Our first mother figure is actually our main characters mother. I know, riveting. However whenever I think of La Contessa Cornaro, I think of how much of a positive figure she was in the entire story. Husband figure completely out of the picture, Contessa has managed to raise a daughter while also holding fast to the power she has built within the empire. And she's good at it. She is respected by her peers, which is evident during the political meetings while the government around them faces a new threat. Despite Amelia, her daughter, not having the interest in court intrigue and ruling, she is still supportive of Amelia being her own person, but also understanding everything she has ever built is for her. Then the unthinkable happens and Amelia ends up tethered to a fire weilding mage, something that completely disrupts the balance of power amongst the court. Even facing these challenges, there isn't a moment where La Contessa turns her back on her daughter, but instead understands that life is just throwing her another hurtle to conquer. 

2. Ariana from Alchemists of Loom- Ariana teeters on the edge of motherly figure to big sister to Florence. She pulled the girl from the streets as a Raven that wished of nothing more to be a revolver and showed her that despite what society makes standard, you should be anything you want. The lax, yet also nurturing attitude Ari displays towards Florence makes their dynamic very fun to read.

3. Natalia from Three Dark Crowns- This series is chock full of women, but none stand out quite like Natalia. She is brutal, firm, but also loves Katharine dearly. Enough to see her handicaps from becoming an effective leader and doing whatever she can within her power to ensure that they are taken care of. 

4. Alis from ACOTAR- Alis is very much the typical motherly figure. Although she is there to serve Feyre as her maid, the advice she shares is definitely maternal. 

5. Weetzie Bat from Witch Baby- Technically, Weetzie is Witch Baby's step mom, however their relationship dynamic is very hot and cold. Witch Baby was mysteriously concieved when Secret Agent Lover Man temporarily left Weetzie and stayed with a witch. When Witch Baby showed up on Weetzie's doorstep, you can kind of understand the confusion and bit of resentment on this mysterious baby showing up. She is also so different from Weetzie and the people Weetzie surrounds herself. Witch Baby collects news articles of tragedies, wears all black, and is definitely an introvert. The relationship between the two of them does go through a transformation and it was really nice to see that despite the circumstances and struggles, Weetzie was still there to support Witch Baby in a motherly way.

That is all for today's list. If you are interested to find out more about the Top 5 Wednesday group, check out Goodreads here


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