Top 5 Wednesday- Emerald Covers

Hello readers!
Today's Top 5 Topic is Emerald covers. 
These are books that either I have or have not read that have covers in the beautiful shade of Emerald, which is the birthstone for May. Since I have not read all of these books, I will be commenting more on the covers and why I like them.

Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows
I've mentioned before on my blog that these Kindle covers are amazing. I love the simplicity in the monochromatic colors and the artwork. 

The Gilded Wolves
I am a sucker for filigree, especially in jewel tones. This cover is gorgeous and I feel like it adds a lot of mystery to an already pretty intriguing synopsis.

Emerald Noose
One of my favorite forms of imagery are silhouettes, so obviously I had to include one here. The cover has an older style to it, which I find usually have really interesting details in the artwork however this book was only published last year.    

The Woodcutter
As much as I didn't like this book, what really drew me into wanting to read it was the cover. The gradient, the colors, the filigree and even just adding the fairy-tale elements makes this a really stunning cover.

The Emerald Talisman
Compared to a lot of the rest of these covers, this one is toned down, which can be a good thing. It adds in silhouettes in a darker tone but it doesn't make it over-powering. The necklace that was added was an element I also really enjoyed but that comes from a very elementary want for an emerald on the cover of a book talking about an emerald object.

If you would like to learn more about Top 5 Wednesdays, please visit the Goodreads group here. 


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