Favorite Book Characters- Males

Hello readers!
Not that long ago I did a post for all of my favorite literary characters and this is a follow up to the post. I chose to focus on my favorite male characters I've read so far, also ranked from my 'least favorite' to most favorite. Feel free to participate and let me know your favorite characters in the comments below.

1. Odysseus- As I mentioned in my previous favorite characters post, father figures are one of the type-casted characters that I enjoy. I grew up with my dad, so I think having that single parent experience definitely plays into my comfort with father figures in media. Now you may be wondering, what the heck does that have to do with Odysseus? To me he comes off as a father figure. His wise nature and bold personality still have that "things will be fine, don't worry" mentality that I have ingrained from my dad. I think what really drives this mentality in was his portrayal in Song of Achilles. He oversees the bidding for Helen where his wise nature is definitely in play, but when we see him again both convincing Achilles to join the war and later on the battlefield I get a more fatherly figure over both Patroclus and Achilles.

2. Jamie Fraiser- As the only character on this list simply because he's a dreamy beef cake, I feel like it's kind of obvious why he's one of my favorite characters. Keep in mind, I've only read Outlander and haven't made it to any of the sequels so the characteristics I bring up are specific to the events in that story. From the start, I am unsure if I like Jamie, however as we learn how innocent he actually is in romance, for me it makes him a more likable character. We often read more about the maiden in a story, where the girl is less experienced than the guy. This role reversal is intriguing, but I believe it is majorly due to the setting of the story. It leads us into this tender relationship that blossoms between Jamie and Clare that really builds deep roots within both of them. His loyalty is extremely attractive in their dynamic, despite all the secrets that Clare has. Part of me is a little scared going into the next book and Jamie's reaction to Clare having time traveled because I don't want it to shatter his poor heart. Also, I love me a Scottish man. 

3. Lucien- Despite loving the A Court of Thorns and Roses series, most of the male characters don't feel very fully fleshed out for me to really love. Lucien is someone we get to experience from book one and learn a lot about, he has a tragic past that has taught him to hold onto his morals. His complexity is what really draws me to him, and the fact that you don't know exactly what he's thinking. Even when we find out that his mate is Elain, his actions are somewhat unpredictable. His trustworthy, but can Feyre really trust him with Elain and her PTSD? It's an odd friendship dynamic and one that we don't always get showcased in YA literature so bluntly. He is by far my most favorite character that falls into his type casting. 

4. Nikolai- From the first moment we met Nikolai as the Captian Sturmhond, I knew I was going to love him. In Siege & Storm, I started to realize that we may only get this book with the Captain and I was starting to get really sad, especially if they happened to kill off his character in this turmoil of Ravka. However, when he came out as actually being Prince Nikolai I was so elated. His character is so easy to read and connect with. He understands his duty, but he's also not pretentious about it, his focus is to be a ruler for the people that makes me really love him. By Ruin & Rising I was DEVASTATED when he was transformed by The Darkling and although I deep down hoped he would transform back, I was also preparing myself for losing the personality of this loved character. I have not made it to King of Scars, but the way we left Nikolai in the original trilogy made me realize that our golden boy now has some darkness to contend with and I am excited to see how he copes with what was done to him. 

5. Percy Jackson- The main reason why I like Percy so much is that he is such a well rounded character for the part he plays in this series. He is our under-dog hero, but despite having such a weird childhood, he is a really great kid. He has morals, an amazing set of friends, and he is extremely hopeful. I love reading this story from his perspective because we start with a pretty solid character and then Percy really matures in the story. 

Everyone has their own opinion regarding characters, and that is totally okay. The characters and reasons why I like a character may be a character you find problematic or boring, and you are allowed to think that. However, please be respectful in any disagreement you have in the comments. 


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