Top 5 Wednesday: Rainy day reads

Hello readers!
Today's top 5 Wednesday topic is my favorite rainy day reads.
Living in Nevada, we don't get very many rainy days throughout the year. Typically we will get rain in May and October. I definitely get scent-memory for books but it's season-memory. Usually it's when I've first read the book that ties these memories, with a big exception of one. I very much consider myself a pluviophile and more often than not my husband gets to listen to me nerding out over those dark clouds that clearly mean rain. He hasn't caught me crying due to my love yet, but I'm trying to slowly break him into my weird habits, even after 9 years.

1. Harry Potter: Growing up, I re-read and read the HP books whenever. However as an adult and still pining for the magic of a first-read through, I savor them now. I watch the movies whenever, usually the first four I'll save for Thanksgiving/Christmas but the rest I don't have as much season-memory tied to it. The books however, I've been trying to do a re-read for a few years and I typically save them for the Winter. The entire series, specifically the first four, remind me of going to my grandparents house in southern California where it doesn't snow, it just rains. 

2. A Court of Mist & Fury: On the flip side of the season-memory spectrum is ACOMAF that I read in the Spring. Again, lots of rain in May when I originally read this. Every time I feel the weather heating up I have an itch to reread at least this book. If I could I'd just reread it every 6 months but I need some kind of self control. 

3. Water, Tales of Elemental Spirits: It's been a long time since I've read this book, but it's another one from middle school that reminds me of rain and vice versa. The stories in this book are beautiful regarding mer-folk and tales

4. The Monkey's Paw: Another memory that is tied in with rain for me is Halloween. The most eventful Halloween I ever experienced didn't even have trick or treating. I was in middle school, my English teacher was introducing us to Poe. It was a deluge that year for halloween and my grandma pulled me out of school early for some reason. We were at lunch when she got a phone call that my grandpa had fallen off a roof and broke his arm. Whenever it really, really rains I always think of how much flooding was happening and this creepy story. 

5. The Silver Kiss: Not much else to say other than again, this is another book I remember reading when I was in middle school to high school. Simon's POV specifically reminds me of the rain, walking through the streets at night in alleys trying not to catch the attention of others. Man, now I'm day dreaming about rain.

For those of you not familiar with Top 5 Wednesday, or would like to participate, it is a Goodreads group. We post all of our lists every week to review with each other and support conversations.


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