Top 5 Wednesday: Favorite SFF Booktubers

Hello readers!
Today's top 5 Wednesday topic is my favorite SFF booktubers.
I typically do posts throughout the year calling out some of my favorite book-nerds on the internet, so here I will try to narrow them down to my top favorites.

1. Book Roast: G is one of the most amazing people in the book community. She runs the Magical Read-a-thon, which takes place in Spring and Autumn and is 100% Harry Potter themed. We are currently in O.W.L.s session, so if you want to get an idea of what to expect go check out her Twitter because there are a lot of extras that happen throughout the read-a-thon. She is also a genuinely nice and thoughtful person. She talks about mental health and is fair in a lot of her reviews. I've been following her for two years and it's been great to see her channel grow so much.
2. Readbetweenthewine: Jess is a smaller youtuber, however I absolutely love her raw honesty when talking about books. Her review on The Wicked King was so spot on to what I felt after reading it and a lot of her reviews are similar to mine. Whenever I see one of her videos pop up I always be sure to watch it as soon as I can.
3. Thoughts on Tomes: Honestly, who doesn't love Sam? As another well organized and through reviewer I find myself all over the place when watching her videos. I've built TBR's and book hauls around some of her unspoiler-y reviews and then I watch her Gush/Gripes afterwards to see if I can relate or if maybe there was something I missed when reading them. I feel like her channel has become a resource for me as a reader to navigate what books out there I should prioritize over others.
4. Ursula_uriate: In a world of beautiful pictures with no substance, I appreciate Ursula's posts on Instagram. She has a mixture of aesthetically pleasing photos, but at the same time she'll leave reviews of books in the picture that I find far more helpful than just unsubstantial or questions in the caption. If I see a picture of a book I may be interested in, I'd love to see your thoughts on it as well.
5.thisgirlhasn0name: Chloe is an Instagram account that I haven't followed for very long but I absolutely love her photos.I found her from her lovely enchanted book box entry for a giveaway I believe they were doing. Aside from stunning photos, Chloe has a blog that she continues to showcase her lovely photos and posts book reviews. I have to say, her entire account and aesthetic is definitely inspirational.

For those of you not familiar with Top 5 Wednesday, or would like to participate, it is a Goodreads group. We post all of our lists every week to review with each other and support conversations.


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