Monthly Wrap Up: April

Hello readers!
Today is another monthly wrap up post. I had a really hard time reading this month. I spent a lot of it feeling nauseous and uncomfortable. Also, which the weather starting to finally warm up, I spent a lot of time at the lake just putting around in a canoe. This has led me to re-evaluate my very ambitious TBR for 2019 to something more manageable as a lot of life changes are coming through the year and I don't want to overwhelm myself. I will more than likely do a separate post  when I do decide in the next week or so addressing these changes and what my TBR will look like.

I picked up this book early in the month and managed to finish it fairly quickly. Overall I really enjoyed the stories in here.

I also managed to catch up on this series as well. This entire series is great and if you haven't read it I highly suggest you pick them up. The audiobooks are great, each book isn't super long but the entire story is totally there.

Books I bought:

Both of these were on sale for Kindle so I decided to pick them up. I've heard a lot of great things about Catwoman, and I read the first page and synopsis for Wonder Woman and chose to get that one too.


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