Would You Rather Book Tag

Hey readers!
Today's post is a book tag.
Would you rather is kind of a game people play like I spy or kiss, marry, kill. You are given two options and you have to pick one and in this case, explain why.
I wasn't tagged by anybody, but any of my followers are welcome to participate!

So... would you rather...

Read only trilogies or stand-alones?
Starting this off with the hard questions I see...
I would pick trilogies.
I don't read a lot of stand-alones in general and a trilogy is a pretty good line-up for a good series. 

Read only female or male authors?
Ugh don't make me pick.
I have a few male authors that I really like, but I feel like for the genres I read most often, it's dominated by female authors.
I just don't know if I can give up Rick Riordan and Jay Kristoff.

Shop at Barnes & Noble or Amazon?
I would pick Amazon.
I've only recently started ordering books from Barnes & Noble for the special editions, but if I had to pick one it'd be Amazon. 
It'd be here in two days and their pre-orders have better shipping times.

All books become movies or TV shows?
I would pick movies. I don't have the attention span or patience for TV shows. That and I LOVE movie theaters.

Read 5 pages per day or 5 books per week?
If reading 5 books per week came with the time to do so, then I would totally pick that one. 
5 pages per day seems like such a slow way to read a book but I'd rather be underwhelmed than overwhelmed. 

Be a professional reviewer or author?
I'd love to be an author!
I don't need full fame and glory, but it would be amazing to see my work in print. I've always been super creative and writing has been my newest outlet.

Only read your top 20 favorite books over and over or always read new ones that you haven't read before?
I would pick new ones I haven't read before.
Despite them being my favorite, I would get tired of the same characters after so many re-reads. I'd rather love them and let them go.

Be a librarian or a book seller?
I actually have fantasized about being a book seller before.
There is a little shop near my house that would be a perfect used/grassroots book store. I live in a smaller city and outside of Barnes & Noble, there is only one other local book store and it's a trek to get to since it's in the middle of town.

Only read your favorite genre(s) or read everything except your favorite genre(s)?
This one seems obvious to me, but I'd pick only being able to read my favorite genres. It's my favorite for a reason and although I thoroughly love variety in life, I would absolutely hate not being able to read that one genre.

Only read physical books or e-books?
Despite me really liking my shiny new kindle, the convenience of having everything on one device and the cheaper price for e-books.... I have to pick physical. There is something magical about seeing a librarian of physical books on a shelf and surrounding yourself with stacks of books.

That is all for me guys! Like I said I tag whoever would like to do this tag, if you do please post it in the comments so I can check out your answers.


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