Top 5 Wednesday Topic: Fictional places you'd like to take a date to.

Hello readers!
Today's Top 5 topic is fictional placed I'd like to take a date to.

1. Hogsmede from Harry Potter: Growing up and reading the Harry Potter books, some of my most fond memories are of Hogsmede. It's where some important stuff happens, but also some of Harry's happiest memories. I'd like to go specifically around the holidays, just because theres a piece of me that also ties Hogsmede to Christmas and being covered in snow. Ah, just imagine a butterbeer next to the window or fire of the Three Broomsticks with a crowd of your favorite people or visiting that cute little tea shop.

2. Le Cirque des Reves from The Night Circus: Adventure is always on my yes list, and despite all of the hidden, potentially life threatening magic, going to an enchanted circus sounds like an epic date location. Strolling through the Ice Garden holding hands sounds so lovely.

3. Velaris from ACOMAF: I love summer nights with lots of activity and while reading ACOMAF I could vividly picture their walks through Velaris, especially their dinner across the river. Starting with the lovely food in a local restaurant and then walking across the river under the stars in Velaris would be a perfect place to spend with someone you love.

4. Iverness, Scotland from Outlander: This specific location you may want to save for a first date. If it goes well, you had a beautiful date in Scotland. If it goes bad, just sneak through some time-traveling stones to find yourself a Jamie Fraiser.

5. L.A. Pink Motel from Necklace of Kisses: L.A. in itself is pretty magical, but an old magical hotel that happens to be pink sounds extra special. Despite all the scary stuff that happens to Weetzie, if you managed to make it on a 'normal' night I'm sure you'd find infatuation with your partner your main focus.

For those of you not familiar with Top 5 Wednesday, or would like to participate, it is a Goodreads group thahere. We post all of our lists every week to review with each other and support conversations.


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