Top 5 Wednesday: Books you didn't get to in 2018

Hello readers!
Today's topic is what books did you not get to in 2018.
This topic is more directed at those of us who set TBRs for the year. This was my first year of setting out an actual TBR of things I wanted to read before the end of the calendar year that I came up with back in January.

1. The Mortal Instruments- The Dark Artifices by Cassandra Clare: I feel like I'm one of the last people in this Book community to read Cassandra Clare. Even some of my friends, who aren't even into the Book community are gushing about the new releases and I'm still in the dark. I had planned to get caught up this year, but I read City of Bones months ago and it was really hard for me to get through and killed some of my motivation. I understand the series as a whole gets better, which is why this will more than likely be on next years goals as well, even if it's the only books on a goal list. I have it written out in my BuJo as publication order since I've heard that is the proper reading order for these books.
2. The Loom Saga by Elise Kova: I read The Alchemists of Loom back in January/February on a whim. The story sounded cool so I got the E-book. The world Kova built is pretty interesting and fortunately she pumped out the remainder of this series in a short amount of time. I know she's branched into plenty of other series as well, some of which I have floating on my Kindle that I hope are just as good as this one.
3. Air Awakens series by Elise Kova: Speaking of Kova, after reading The Alchemist of Loom I was all in to read more of her work. Air Awakens I believe was her first series she published, with a prequel series out as well. Depending on the length of this series and my motivation through 2019, I may delay this for 2020.
4. The Falconer by Elizabeth May: I have a kindle copy of this sitting on my phone that I've toyed with picking up. The synopsis sounds really good and some of the reviews are hopeful as well, I'm just not really motivated to start reading it.
5. Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch: This I received for Christmas last year from my Sister-In-Law. I knew I would get to it eventually but not sure when. Recently, G from Book Roast had it in her Book in a Jar which tempted me to pick it back up however I'm trying to reduce the amount of stories I've started, not add to it before the end of the year.

Did you love any of these books? What did you want to get to but didn't finish? Let me know below!


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