Edition vs. Edition Round 1

Hello readers!
Today's post is based on a video from Common Spence on Youtube called Edition vs. Edition.
Basically, you take two different editions of the same book and compare them. It can be US vs. UK, a re-vamp vs. the original, etc.

So without further a-do, lets get started!

Our first duo is a hard one. There are so many editions coming out for the Harry Potter series that it's hard to pick just two. I chose the Scholastic American edition vs. the Kindle covers. Usually I'm a sucker for the simplistic styling that the Kindle covers have, everything from the color pallet to the simple art is something I love. However, the artwork and detail behind the scholastic version not only have the nostalgia aspect, but they have so much color and and tell more about the story. The Socercer's stone in particular brings me back to my first time reading this book and just staring at the cover and imagining Hogwarts.
I've actually recently started to pick up the Harry Potter puzzles of the artwork done by Marie Grand-Pre who illustrated the Scholastic covers and some additional artwork.

Throne of Glass was a book I was introduced to only last year (2017). Part of the reason I picked it up, aside from a recommendation from Serein Wu, but because the original cover looked a lot like one of my favorite book covers, Blood & Chocolate. Then when Crown of Midnight came out the covers of both books changes to match the illustration of Celaena rather than the portrait on the left. Unfortunately, I'm not a huge fan of the illustrations of Celaena that carried on through the rest of the series. The contrast of Celaena in armor vs. Celaena in a dress was super clever, I just wasn't a fan of the designing of the backs of the books. 

The Outsiders recently got a revamp on the cover of their book for the 50th anniversary and I absolutely love it. There are a few different editions for this book through the years, but the simple design and nod to the greaser jacket on the cover make the 50th edition my favorite yet.

The final pairing I'd like to talk about is City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. Now, if I were to judge a book by it's cover, I would have never considered to pick of City of Bones based on the original cover on the right. A dude without a shirt on, really? However after listening to so many people on Booktube rave about the Shadowhunter world, I caved and decided to pick it up to start the series. Unfortunately, I had already started working on purchasing these books before I realized that there are far less cringe-y covers with the amazing spine art for the city of New York. Needless to say, when I started to pick up the Infernal Devices I made just to get those with the portrait of London on the spine.

Let me know your thoughts on these books below! Are there other beautiful editions out there that I'm missing? Do you collect specific editions of certain books?


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