Top 5 Wednesday: Holiday party fictional food

Hello readers!
Today's Top 5 Topic is fictional holiday party food.

Now instead of doing a full five point post, today's topic brings up a specific instance in mind. While browsing Instagram, as we all do, a fellow book lover posted that she and her significant other have held a Lord of The Rings Thanksgiving. 
Yes, this sounds magical. I am aware.
This then got me thinking of how epic it would be to have one of my own. Out of all of the works of literature, LOTR makes the most sense. There is a variety with race like Elven food, or Bilbo's Marmalade. Everyone could dress up as some of their favorite characters or races. Then you just play some Settlers of Catan and boom. It's a party. The ideas for decorations are endless, especially with Pinterest. Circle door is not needed, but a nice touch. 

Here is a website for a list of Lord of The Ring inspired food 

Deanna has an amazing blog where she posts recipies inspired by books.


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