Top 5 Wednesday- Characters You'd want over for Friendsgiving

Hello readers!
Today's Top 5 Topic is the characters you'd want over for friendsgiving dinner.
Here in the states, Thanksgiving is tomorrow. So to get us pumped for the holiday, we're going to talk about our ideal friendsgiving guests.

I'm a person who grew up with Thanksgiving at my Grandparents and everyone was invited, so the more people the merrier. Coincidentally, my Grandparents didn't have a TV so the holiday is also when I spent a week just reading, mostly just Harry Potter but those reading roots run deep this time of the year.
Without further blabbing, these are the guests I'd invite and why.

1. My first guest is going to be my guest of honor, Mr. Harry Potter himself, mostly because of the nostalgia of relating Harry to turkey day. 

2. I'm going to cheat a bit with this one and ask the entire Inner Circle. I know Nesta isn't coming and Elain will help with cooking, but the shenanigans between this group would be greatly appreciated. I'd also like to mention here that Thanksgiving can also be considered the one day a year you get dressed to the 9's just to sit in the living room and I think this group specifically would deliver.

3. Nina Zenik I would definitely invite over to whip up some awesome waffles for Thanksgiving breakfast. Considering the amount of food thanksgiving demands, breakfast is the only other safe option to eat that day and if Nina can wake up and smash out some waffles, I'd totally have her over for dinner afterwards.

4. House elves from Hogwarts are definitely needed. I don't know if I can make all this food myself and I'm definitely going to need help cleaning up. However, unlike at Hogwarts, our minature friends are more than welcome to eat with us for the meal they helped prepare and of course, in S.P.E.W. fashion, they will be paid handsomely.

5. My final guest I wouldn't expect anything from, other than to have him sit and talk to me in his Scottish accent. Yes ladies and gentleman, I would invite Jamie Frasier just to be the eye candy we deserve. A strong Scotsman like that I imagine must be starving, you don't get to be that brawny without eating a decent amount of food. And who wouldn't want to listen to him tell you all the stories of Scotsland in that dreamy accent of his. Sigh.

And that's all for me today folks. Who would you invite to your friendsgiving? Do you guys celebrate a tradition similar to thanksgiving in your country? When and what is it called?
Let me know in the comments below.


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