Top 5 Wednesday- Books You Want To Read before 2019

Hello readers! 
Today's topic is books you want to read before 2019.
 This is a list of books that I am prioritizing to finish before the end of 2018. I've already reached my Good Reads goal, so I generally try not to start a new series this late in the year to save for next years goals. However, if I started a series I generally use a 2018 TBR to finish up any series I started and all the books are published.

Last week I did go over a few large books and when I'd like to either start or finish reading them. Since I've already talked about those, I will be specifically talking about different books today.

1. Two Dark Reigns by Kendare Blake- I'm hoping to finish this series and be done with it in 2019. I can't say that I've loved this story, but at the same time I can't say that I don't like it.  Regardless I am looking forward to finishing this series to know what happens to these sisters.

2. Silver Kiss & Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause- I started Silver Kiss at the beginning of October but a few other books have made it higher on my priority list. I'm hoping to do another Underrated Author post for Klause. Blood and Chocolate is one of my favorite rereads.

3.The Spellbinder's Gift & The Twelfth Angel by Og Mandino- My mother-in-law let me borrow these. I've never read anything by Mandino and there isn't much of a synopsis so I'm going in blind on these two. I'm always 100% for spontaneity. 

4. Ten Women by Marcela Serrano- I've acquired a bit of a collection of Kindle Books, some of them were complete impulse purchases because they were super cheap. A goal of mine is to start reading these books so I can obviously just hoard more Kindle books.

5. Witch Baby by Francesca Lia Block- Another Kindle Book, however this will be a re-read for me. I've been slowly collecting more of my favorite Block books via Kindle to read. They're usually super short and a few of them have some cover art changes that I'm not sure if I'm 100% committed to picking up. However, Ms. Block if you were to ever make the Weetzie books a collection with similar cover art... I'm waiting.

That's all for me guys. Let me know what you're reading below!


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