Monthly Wrap Up- November

Hey readers!
Today is another monthly wrap up. I didn't end up reading that much or buying any new books, but I wanted to go over some other things I watched or enjoyed this month.

Books I read:

I've almost caught up with my re-read of this series. I decided that I will still do a review for Tower of Dawn, but I probably wont re-read it prior like I have with the rest of the series simply because I read it for the first time not too long ago. I'm also getting extremely impatient about finishing Kingdom of Ash and not being spoiled.

I managed to finish these two for me, which were both re-reads. I still love Klaus's writing and I hope some of you pick up at least Blood & Chocolate.

Books I bought:

The following books I bought all as E-Books for my Kindle during the Black Friday- Cyber Monday sale on Amazon.

Having grown up next to the Sierra Nevada Mountains where the Donner Party took place, you are taught at some point the story of the wagons that tried passing. There is a museum near Donner Lake that recalls a lot of the hardships that these migrants went through. This is a Historical fiction novel about a woman and her journey from Illinois to California as part of that group.

I picked this up simply because I remember hearing Emma Books rave about it when she read it months ago. The private school and magic elements in this remind me a little bit of the Blue is for Nightmares series.

I've heard a lot of great things about this series so I'm excited to pick it up and learn to love these characters like everyone else. This is another longer series so I'm hoping to get my shit together and read it next year.


I've been a fan of American Horror Story for a little while. I hopped on the bandwagon around the time that Roanoke was airing and made it all the way to Hotel. I had a really hard time after season 3, which from what I understand, I'm not alone. I would have to say my favorite seasons are in a tie between 2 and 3.
Well my brother-in-laws girlfriend is really into the show too, and she was also stuck on Hotel but we decided to watch Apocolypse together. We both skipped Roanake and the Cult which we immediately regret because this happened to by the only season where they actually reference previous seasons.
The first episode was super strong for me, but it was a roller-coaster of meh after that. The one episode directed by Paulson was my favorite in this season.
Over-all, I was kind of disappointed in the way the events panned out. It seemed so much shorter than previous seasons and although they linked together some previous events, nothing really made a lot of sense. The ending, thought happy was also super anti-climatic, especially the way Langdon ended.

Let me back up a little bit and just state that I love the fact that we are delving more into this immense universe Rowling has produced. Fantastic Beasts 1 was great because although it didn't have as much of a magical feel as the Harry Potter movies, we got to see more of the universe. 
This movie, feels like a completely different story and cast and production team made it.
There isn't nearly as much magic, it's all action. The plot is messy, there are details omitted, and in general didn't feel like a movie that Rowling would have put her name on.

How you feel about it depends on what you are comparing it to. If you are thinking about it in terms of it being a follow up to Fantastic Beasts, it's a decent movie. If you are comparing it to all of the previous works done in relation to J.K. Rowling's work, it's not even close to a good movie. It's missing the detail that we got throughout Harry's story on screen but considering it's not based off of any specific book is it really fair to compare it similarly?

I am looking forward to the next movie and I intend on seeing it in theaters. I can't say I loved this installment, I may need to watch it a few more times when it comes out on HBO or Netflix to really determine if I love or hate it.

The ending though, I absolutely hated no matter what I feel about the rest of the movie.


For those of you who may not know, I work at a Ski Resort in Northern California. I'm fortunate enough to be a year-round employee, and as dry as it has been I have been so happy to finally see moisture falling from the sky. Even better is that we opened on time this year.

November is my birth month so I got to celebrate my 28th trip around the sun yesterday!
I still can't believe that I'm almost thirty, mostly because I don't feel like I have the maturity level of a 30 year old woman. This is a picture of what I keep calling my birthday present and the weather that we had yesterday.


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