Top 5 Wednesday- Favorite Books featuring witches.

Hello readers!
Today's Topic is Favorite Books featuring a paranormal creature of my choice.
This topic is meant to be about one paranormal creature, and I really wanted to do it on werewolves. However I haven't read enough books about werewolves to really include them. So instead, I'm going to pick Witches.

1. Throne of Glass- The Blackbeak Clan. Heir of Fire was one of my least favorite books in the TOG series, until the appearance of Manon. To be 100%, I thought about DNFing the series, but looking forward to reading about Manon is the entire reason I continued through the series. I love so many things about this witch. She's stubborn in the best way, loyal but also follows her heart for what she thinks is right, and her sexual preference is super grey. Best part of all, she caught the eye of my favorite male of the entire series, Dorian. Sometimes, I wish I was Manon *sigh*.

2. Harry Potter- All the witchy ladies. Part of me wishes I wouldn't include this series in everything, but these witches are amazing characters not just because they can wield magic. Each of our main lady characters are amazing because they are iconic powerful women. Hermione is an icon of her time, showing girls it's okay to be nerdy and not be the standard for pretty and still be amazing. As a fellow frizzy-haired girl with bad teeth and the tendancy to be an "insufferable know-it-all", she was my hero. Luna was also an amazing character, teaching us acceptance. Ginny was kind of a tom-boy who still got the guy in the end. 

3. Blue is for Nightmares- Stacy Brown. It's been a long, long time since I've read this series. Like 10+ years. From what I can remember, Stacy was a pretty normal girl going to private school who had an affinity for the occult. During the time that I read this, I was still in High School around the same age as Stacy and the town my mom lived in had like 8 private schools and a lot of the people there were also really into the occult, so I felt pretty close to home. What I liked most about Stacy was not only her "normalcy" as far as going to a somewhat average school but the fact that she is a 'good' witch, using her magic to help people. 

4. Witch Baby- Witch Baby. This book is part of the entire Weetzie Bat saga, but specifically focuses on Witch Baby. It is not specifically stated that Witch Baby is actually a Witch, but we know her mom, Vixanne Wigg, has a witchy vibe to her. What I love most about Witch Baby is that compared to her manic-pixie step mom, her blonde and gorgeous half sister, and the team of punk rock loving angles' she's the black sheep of the family. She dresses like a witch, she has beautiful purple eyes and ratty black hair, and she's obsessed with the darker part of life, but not in a super goth way. She's the refreshing black mark on the technicolor version of L.A. that is in the Weetzie Bat books. 

5. Ruby- Ruby. In Ruby, magic is more of a natural thing than "silly wand-waving and incantations". However Ruby uses magic to help heal herself from her traumatic childhood. She also does the obvious thing and tries to get the boy she loves, who happens to be a famous celebrity that has no idea who she is, to fall in love with her. 

What paranormal creature would you guys pick to talk about? I know witches kind of fall into a grey area of "paranormal creatures", but depending on the type of witch I think it could count. 


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