Top 5 Wednesday- Classics I wish had modern adaptations

Hey readers, today's Top 5 Wednesday topic is:
Classics I Wish Had Modern Adaptations
Think the Lizzie Bennet Diaries and what books you'd like to see get a similar adaptation.

  1. Penny Dreadfuls- I know there are plenty of episodes of other TV series that somewhat pay homage to these short stories, but I think a continued series off of the stories we would see would be fun. Like hour long episodes and one is about Dracula, or Frankenstein, etc. The TV show Penny Dreadful  with Eva Green was pretty awesome, I've only made it through a few episodes.
  2. Greek Mythology- Hi excuse me, I don't think I've talked enough about Greek literature over the last few weeks. As I mentioned in my Percy Jackson review, Gods School is a cartoon adaptation of the greek gods in High School. I would love to see this turn into an actual TV show since there is only an Intro currently on Youtube. A modern adaptation doesn't even need to be a cartoon, if you made it more like Heroes I would still be interested. Just add in the myths please, not only powers.
  3. Animal Farm- Some people may think "You want modern animal farm, look at XXX political office now." I'm not here to bring real life politics into my book blog, we each have our own emotions and opinions on who's currently in office. What I would like to see out of this is a movie that still has that element of fiction, but can also clearly give the message from the book. Tying the events of Animal Farm into a modern day cult would be pretty epic, adding in the grotesque elements of both. 
  4. The Bell Jar- Mental illness is a huge topic right now in history than at any other point. To bring back an obvious adaptation of this book in a special TV series but in modern times would be relevant to what thousands of people in the US alone experience. 
  5. To Kill a Mockingbird- If you're really, really looking to voice your political opinions, Boo Radley is your guy. I find that this book would be easy to turn into a modern day adaptation. Especially if you were to tie it into the police brutality against people of color. The prejudice in this book is still a current event. Whichever side of the fence you sit on regarding police brutality and modern hate, I think a modern adaptation of this as a movie would be very powerful.

Let me know what you'd like to see below. 
I know I brought up some controversial topics in this post that I typically try to steer clear of, but a lot of the classics we see were popular for that reason. I hope not to spark an argument or have hate spread in the comments section of this post, so please, if you'd like to comment I ask that you please be polite.


  1. To Kill A Mockingbird is an amazing book and I agree, the adaptation would be super relevant and important to the current situation!

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress


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