The Harry Potter Spell Tag

Hello readers!
I've been feeling the Harry Potter vibes lately. It's been 20 years since us Americans were introduced to the Chosen One. It's September, so we should all be back at Hogwarts. Pumpkin spice is in season.
I'm totally into it.
That being said, I'm doing the Harry Potter spell tag today, which I found from this blog here

Lets begin!

Flagrate, the writing charm.
A book that you found interesting but would like to rewrite.
This is a tie for me.

ACOFAS is for very obvious reasons, I would probably also lump in ACOWAR.

Red Queen I'd like to rewrite not because I think Aveyard did a terrible job. It's mostly because from my perspective she built a really interesting fictional world that I think has so much more potential than what she put into just Red Queen. Her world building was EPIC, which left the story a little underwhelming.

Alohomora, the unlocking charm.

A first book in a series that got you hooked.
I think ACOTAR deserves a little more love than it gets. We know Tamlin is trash now. But ACOTAR was great. Obviously not ACOMAF great, but still.

Accio, summoning spell.

A book that you wish you could have right now.
Like... please? 
I'd look for an ARC but then I'd have to wait even longer for the third book.

Avada Kedavra, the killing curse.
A killer book.
Heh heh heh.....

Confundo, a confusion charm.

A book you found confusing.
I understand you all love this series, okay?
However, I found this book confusing, specifically towards the end.
I won't go too in depth because there are some spoilers, but like.... what?

Expecto Patronum, the guarding spell.

Your spirit animal book.
This book may seem weird to put in here but truly, it belongs.
From a content aspect, it's a fluid story about Greek mythology in modern times. A little bit of old with the new. 
From what this book meant to me; out of all of FLB's literature, this book really nailed what it was in her writing that I really connected with at the time. I was going through a lot personally, it was also a transitional time in my life where I was maturing.
I want to pick up a copy of this book and just carry it with me to read through at times. 

Sectumsempra, the dark curse.

A dark, twisted book.
The underlining message that three sisters are born to kill each other is really fucked up.

Expecto Patronum Pt. 2

A childhood book connected to good memories.
Fine, here.
I couldn't not put Harry in this one.

Expelliarmus, the disarming spell.

A book that took you by surprise.
I was so foolish to doubt this book. So very, very foolish.

Prior Incantato, the reverse spell.

The last book you read.
I still don't know how I feel about this series as a whole yet aside from the previous mentioned comment in this post.

Riddikulus, the boggar banishing spell.

A funny book you've read.
I don't really read funny books, or books with a lot of humor. 
So reflecting on what book I would put in here, I'd think of something my dad would always say to me.
"You're funny. Not like funny ha-ha, but like funny weird."
So, in that context, I was able to come up with the perfect book.
This entire story is cute, but at the same time it's weird... in that "funny" way.
Doorways for children to enter into alternate realities? Uh... yeah. 

Sonorus, amplifying charm.

A book you think everybody should know about.
I know there is a fan base for this series out there. But for anyone looking to transition from the comfort of YA fantasy to the some-what intimidating Adult fantasy, I think this is a good starting point.

Obliviate, the memory charm.
A book or spoiler you would like to forget having read.
I read ACOMAF for the first time about a year and a half ago.
At the time, there was a lot of ACOMAF artwork and reblogging on Tumbler that I allowed myself to fall down the rabbit hole.
I really wish I would have stayed off of these platforms and allow myself to enjoy the book first before getting ahead of myself. 
I still got a lot of the feels that people really like to talk about in this book, but I also probably would have enjoyed it more after the fact.
It did teach me a lesson though, to not dig too deep because spoiling yourself on a great book is really easy these days.

Imperio, the controling curse.
A book you had to read for school.
I loooooved this book in High School. 
I was ready to be part of the boys group, I would have stashed
 away with Ponyboy & Johnny. I

Crucio, torture curse.

A book that was painful to read.

For so many different reasons.

Tell me some of your guys' favorite books in the comments below!


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