Top 5 Wednesday!

Hello readers!
Today's Top 5 post is:
Books You've Removed from your TBR

I am pretty good at eliminating books I thought I had interest in from my TBR. Mostly because my sister-in-law showed her cards and figured out what to get me for Christmas based off of Goodreads.
Just because these have been taken off doesn't mean they aren't good or can't be something I revisit in the future.

1. Grace of Kings- I bought this book shortly after re-kindling my love for reading. It was a staff pick at my local book store and I read the synopsis thinking "What the heck". Technically I think I read a chapter but I didn't care for the story. I can't even remember what I read. I know a few people are reading this book this summer so I may end up adding it back to my TBR depending on what their reviews are.
2. The Elementals- I've heard this is on the popular side for Block's recent writing but after reading Beyond The Pale Motel I'm hesitant to taint the feelings I have for her previous books. I think for the sake of my delusional need to remain in my own happy bubble, I'm going to skip out this one.
3. Bitten- As some of you may not know I am on team werewolf in the eternal fued between vampire vs. werewolf, except in the case of Twilight because neither side was favorable. I read the synopsis of this book and I was willing to dive into a werewolf novel fairly blind, thats how I found Blood & Chocolate. However there is a lot of angst written in the synopsis that I'm not all that excited to sit through currently.
4. The Mountain Between Us- I can't recall what drew me to this book to add it to my TBR list. After re-reading the synopsis all I can gather is I went through this phase for a couple of days thinking I would really get into that genre of novels that are what make book clubs great, a.k.a irrational tears over characters. Unfortunately, nothing puts me in a reading slump faster than a teary-eyed contemporary based solely around a relationship.
5. Me Before You- I watched the movie and I thought I'd get around to the book because if the movie made me cry imagine how much of a heartbreak the book would be. Months later, I'd rather just watch Emilia be extremely awkward on screen than imagine it with a box of tissues while reading it. 

What are books you've removed from your TBR? Are any of these your favorites? 


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