Top 5 Wednesday

Today's Top 5 Wednesday topic is:
Future Classics

Before we dive into these specific titles, I would like to clarify why I chose the books that I did in a general aspect. I tried to pick books that were published or aired in the last 20 years, or as close to it as possible. I also tried to pick books that I had read or at least seen the screen adaptation. Also, this list is for fantasy books; any memoirs, non-fiction, or children's books were excluded.

1. Harry Potter- I mean... what kind of list about classics wouldn't include Harry Potter? This series has touched so many people's lives and has continued through years either in movies, merchandise, plays and movies being inspired by the original novels. So much has been built from Harry's story that from a book-lovers point of view it's hard to think of a future without Potter.

2. The DaVinci Code- I've picked this book for a specific reason, from my perspective when just the novel was popular the religious fantasy that Brown wrote about caused question among plenty of people. There was legitimately people angry about the notion that Jesus had a descendant. People are still talking about the Illuminati. Tom Hanks had long hair. This all started with one of the most famous paintings in history. All of this makes me feel like specifically The DaVinci code will be a classic in the future. Angels & Demons wasn't nearly as good so forget that book and just go to this one.

3. A Song of Ice & Fire- I would be surprised if George R. R. Martin doesn't follow the same level of fame as J R. R. Tolkien. There are plenty of epic fantasies similar to what these two authors write but very few get the amount of publicity as these. Somebody out there read ASoIaF and was like " Boom! TV show." And it worked people. I think alot of the shows success is having Martin involved in the filming process, the epic cast of actors, but none of that would have come together without a story people are genuinely interested in which is why I think that the entire series is going to be a classic, no matter how many people pick the TV show over the books. The only reason I picked this over Tolkien is because those are already classics, everybody knows that.

4. Cassandra Clare- I listed the author instead of just stating City of Bones or The Mortal Instruments because Cassandra is a machine for writing. We're not done yet, so why limit this answer. I've only read City of Bones, I know I'm a black sheep, I'm working on it. However, from a young adult author Cassandra is clearly going to be around for a long time. People still talk about her previous novels on the regular, she's still pumping out books, and for a lot of the bookish community she is an auto-buy author. She stands with a band of women that are helping reshape reading for the future by making YA/NA the forefront for fantasy writing. Now let me get off my soapbox and go try to get through City of Ashes... right?

5. Percy Jackson & The Lightening Thief- Riordan does amazing work. I am still new to his series, and I know the movie was kind of a bust, but I think Percy's series and those that follow will be a classic in middle-grade literature for forever. Although they are fairly elementary in the story, the references and style of story telling are relatable to all ages. I really hope that maybe someday in the semi-distant future the movies can be re-done and completed simply because I can't stand unfinished business.

What books do you think will be classics? Do you agree or disagree with my list? Let me know below!


  1. i haven't seen anyone writing about davinci's code yet, but i can see what you mean. the controversy around this book was huge, and it combines intriguing modern and old mystery.

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

    1. I agree and I think it was far more of a hot topic than Angels & Demons.


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