Book Review- The Siren

Today's review is for a book you maybe didn't expect me to read. I say that because it certainly wasn't one I saw myself reading. Kiera's books didn't really seem like any I wanted to pick up despite all the positive reviews on The Selection series. 
But what can I say, I'm spontaneous sometimes.

The Siren by Kiera Cass

Title: The Siren
Author: Kiera Cass
Published: Originally 2009, re-published in 2016
Publisher:, HarperTeen
Genre: Young Adult, Fiction

World Building: 


"You must never do anything that might expose our secret. This means that, in general, you cannot form close bonds with humans. You can speak to us, and you can always commune with the Ocean, but you are deadly to humans. You are, essentially, a weapon. A very beautiful weapon. I won't lie to you, it can be a lonely existence, but once you are done, you get to live. All you have to give, for now, is obedience and time..." 
The same speech has been given hundreds of times to hundreds of beautiful girls who enter the sisterhood of sirens. Kahlen has lived by these rules for years now, patiently waiting for the life she can call her own. But when Akinli, a human, enters her world, she can't bring herself to live by the rules anymore. Suddenly the life she's been waiting for doesn't seem nearly as important as the one she's living now.


   The first 15% of this book, I was on the edge of DNF-ing it. I felt I was too old to really care about the story, but at the same time I liked enough of Kahlen to want to make an effort. Overall, am I glad I read it? Sure. Would I ever read it again? Nope. Do I want to try the Selection series? Nope.
  For a quick light summer read, this book was good. There was good story flow and everything was really thought out. I did wish we got some more information regarding why Siren's were needed in this world. Since they're mythical creatures but the only mentioned mythical creatures it left me a little curious. I really, really didn't like the Ocean as a character, especially towards the end. I appreciate that Cass made them sort of the villain in a complex way however there wasn't a lot of thought behind it and how it would flow with the story.
  I was drawn to all the characters. I started to love the other sirens more than Kahlen towards the end when they would help her. It was a heartwarming sense of kinship between them that wasn't apparent for the first half of the book.
  As far as Akinli and Kahlen themselves, I don't care enough about either of them to have an actual opinion. Something about both of them slightly irks me, but at the same time the over-all theme of this being a love story was endearing.
  There isn't much else to say, simply because I didn't have strong feelings either way to this story.

I got my copy from Amazon

* There may be spoilers in this section of the review. If you do not wish to be spoiled, please stop reading.


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