The Fictional Bucket List

We've all sat there after a great story and thought about how bad you wish you could experience something from your book. It's part of the hang-over from a really good novel. The whole reason why we have fandoms.
Well today, I'm going to list out my ultimate fictional bucket list. I know, there are a lot of Harry Potter related items on this list and I have no apologies.

1. Vacation with Belle in Beast's library.
   Like hello, who wouldn't? And yes, it's a vacation.

2. Visit vault 713 with Hagrid.
   Or any really. I'd sign up for that roller coaster any day.

3. Accidentally end up in Knockturn Alley.
We'll call it an "accident", but floo powder may not have been involved.

4. Hone my healing magic skills at the Torre Cesme.
Obviously healing people would be a nifty skill to pick up.
Oaalisque by Marc Simonetti

5. Celebrate Winter solstice in the Night Court.
Duh. Which is why I'm so pumped for A Court of Frost & Starlight.

6. Take a shooting lessons from Jesper.
Or you know, teach him a few things. ;)
Jesper Fahey by Kevin Wada

7.Visit Ollivanders for my very own wand.
I get it, technically I can nowadays, however I want a REAL wand.

8. Live on the lam with Jamie Fraser.
IRL, I'm totally down with the living on the go lifestyle. I know having a book collection is counter-intuitive to being on the move. I think Jamie would be enough to distract me though. 

9. Compete for Cal's hand in marriage as either an oblivion, magnetron, or a whisper.
This may seem really morbid, however I really enjoyed Evangeline. Enough to where I think I could kick her ass.

10. Become part of Manon's 13.
You know how everybody has a #WCW? Manon is mine and if being part of her 13 means I get to be part of her girl love pact I'm totally down.

Thanks for reading guys! Tell me your fictional bucket list below!


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