New Releases

Hey there again guys!
Since most of my April reading was related to the O.W.L.s this month, I figured instead of a Reading Recap I'd let you all know about upcoming releases for May that I'm super excited about.

Lets dive in!

I know I'm corny, okay.

The first book should come as no surprise since I think it's on a lot of Young Adult readers' pre-order list and that is A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J. Maas that comes out on May 1st. It is a continuation of the A Court of Thorns and Roses series and starts after the effects of the war against Hybern. I'm hoping some of the loose ends from ACOWAR are tied up in this book and readers get some of the conclusions they were hoping for.

ACOFAS comes out May 1st

The next book I am excited about is War Storm by Victoria Aveyard, which is the final book in the Red Queen series. I've only finished the first two books, and I know there has been negative feedback regarding this series, however I really enjoyed the story so far. Red Queen is a great introduction to Mare and the world she lives in. It reminds me a little of X Men in more of a fantasy setting rather than a Sci-Fi world.

War Storm comes out May 15th

When I first heard about LifeL1k3 I wasn't super excited, but at that time I hadn't read any of Jay Kristoff's work yet. Now that I've finished Illuminae and Nevernight, I am totally looking forward to this new novel. I've read the synopsis and I can't tell if it's a story I'm going to automatically love or not, which is perfectly okay with me.
LikeL1k3 comes out May 29th

I've had Onyx and Ivory by Mindee Arnett on my Want To Read Goodreads list for what feels like forever. I've read the synopsis and the story sounds super interesting, I get the dark Six of Crows vibes and the forbidden love trope from Red Queen. 

Onyx & Ivory comes out May 15th

My last book is the contemporary novel Ship It by Britta Lundin. Reading the synopsis, at first I thought it was a Geekerella meets Fangirl copy cat, but Claire's story is a little different. After publicly commenting on the star of a hit TV show of being gay, she gets tied in deeper than she expected.

Ship it comes out May 1st.

There are some honorary mentions for book 2 in series that will be coming out in May, but I haven't started the first book yet so I can't be too excited.

Let me know what your most anticipated releases for the next few months are in the comments below.

See you next time!


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