Would you rather/ Easy Bookish Questions.


Hello again, I am back with more bookish questions! I know I just did a similar post, but since we're still getting to know each other, I found it appropriate to give you more of an idea of what type of books I like.
These ones are super easy, somewhat cheesy questions that aren't as lengthy as the ones I previously answered. Feel free to leave your answers in the comments below.

Hogwarts House?

Pottermore tells me I'm a Slytherin, though I've always believed I'm a Ravenclaw so I've labeled myself as a #Ravenrin.

Edward or Jacob?

Neither, I'm all about Emmett.

Favorite book that became a movie and/or TV show?

I haven't read the books yet, but I'd say Game of Thrones.

Favorite childhood book?

Are You My Mother? by Dr. Seuss

Least favorite book you read in 2017? (It's too early for 2018)

I started reading Heartless and then I stopped reading Heartless. I hope it was because it was audio book, but it'll be a while because I try to read a physical copy.

Favorite book you read in 2017?

A Court of Thorns & Roses by Sarah J. Mass. I wouldn't be reading this much or making a blog if I haven't gotten back into reading thanks to that book.

Favorite fictional character?

It's so hard to pick one... Luna? Amren? Groot?

Favorite fictional villain?

Bellatrix Lestrange. She's been doing 2007 Britney her whole life and that takes commitment.

Favorite author?

Francesca Lia Block. I love her whimsical worlds of her earlier works. I haven't read anything new since 2008.

Favorite poet?

I don't like poetry. Though I have alot of poems from Rupi in my BuJo, still not into it.

Most intimidating book you've ever read.

I'm going to pick the one I chose to read, as in I wasn't required to read it in Highschool like ol' Tess of  the d.Urbervilles. I had a co-worker recomend Pillars of The Earth to me and man, it took me 6 months and ALOT of stubbornness to complete that bad boy. I finally had to binge audiobook that thing on the fastest speed I could handle. One heck of a way to end 2017.

Would you rathers:

Spend a day with your favorite Author or Character?
Character, duh.

Be in a fantasy book or a dystopian book?

Probably fantasy.

Read only series or only stand-alones?

This one is really hard, I'd probably go with series.

Be with your favorite fictional love interest or real world crush?

I'd say my real world crush, who I happen to be married to. Rhys can still be fictional side bae.

Be a professional reviewer or famous author?

Famous author.

Be Katniss or Tris?

I've only seen the Hunger Games movies, and I haven't stepped into the Divergent realm so I'd go with Katniss. I loved Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss.

Have a friend never return a favorite book or drop it in the pool?

I've dropped a book in the tub, I'd pick the water.

Have your favorite book become a movie or a TV show?

I would have to say movie because I don't know if it would have enough content to make a successful TV show.

Have to dog ear your pages or never be able to mark your place?

As much as I don't want to damage my books, I'd have to say dog ear.

Be a character in Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?

Why can't I say both? Probably Harry Potter mostly due to running water.

Wait five years for the final installment in a series or get it now, but have to read every spoiler before you can start it?

I'd wait, I can be patient.



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