Monthly Wrap Up- March



To help with keeping a collective on what stories I've gone through this month, I plan on doing a month recap. This is not just books, but movies, TV shows, video games, the great outdoors. Any memorable moments from that month.
I'll be working from the beginning of the month towards the end as best as I can.

To start this off, since this is pretty significant, I started a book blog! I started this space for me to review books and stories to connect with other people who have a similar passion. To help, I also created a new Instagram account! 
Find me at Peaks to Pages for more instant interaction!
Find me on Instagram!
The first book I finished this month was Cress from the Lunar Chronicles. I took a hiatus from the series and decided I should finish it since although it's not my favorite, it was good enough to finish. There'll be a post about it soon!

Cress by Marissa Meyer

This month was also considered Miracle March! I work in Lake Tahoe for one of the ski resorts on the north side of the lake, Northstar. Winters in the area can either be dry or really wet, and the first four months were super dry. Then March hit and we received all of our average year snowfall in four short weeks. Needless to say, I'm ready for Spring and Summer!
This was taken right outside my office a few weeks ago. At that time we had only seen a few feet. 
If y'all are interested in what I do, or in the Lake Tahoe area in general, feel free to reach out in the comments below!

Next book I finished this month was They Both Die At the End. I've already done a review on this book, you can find it by using the author's name.
They Both Die At the End by Adam Silvera.

I don't go to the movies as much as I'd like to. However, when I first say the trailers for Red Sparrow I knew I really wanted to see it. I ended up liking the movie, especially the beginning where we get see some of the culture in Russia. If you haven't gotten a chance to watch the movie I would suggest it. 

Back in Highschool, my favorite Author was Francesca Lia Block. I was browsing through her current works and purchased the Ebook version of Beyond the Pale Motel. That 1-Click purchase button can be dangerous. I've recently done a blog post about this book in particular and I plan to do a post of the books I've read by Block and which ones I liked vs. disliked.

I had a work event this month that was pretty significant. At Vail Resorts, who owns Northstar, they have seniority events for every 5 years of service. This past November marked my 5 year work anniversary at Northstar. According to our HR department, it was the largest group yet as far as seniority. My husband, who I happen to work with, also reached his 5 years too. We get gold name tags along with Mini bottles of champaign at a nice dinner with everyone celebrating. 

The last book I finished was Winter by Marissa Meyer meaning I finished the four main books of the Lunar Chronicles! Since I'll have a more in depth review of the series coming up soon, I wont go into too much detail. I don't know if I would recommend listening to this series on Audible, like I did. The narrator grew on me throughout the books, however there were alot of times I felt lost.
Winter by Marissa Meyer
Thats all for March! I can't guarantee I'll do a wrap up every month, especially if it's slow. There was just a lot going on I wanted to share!



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